[@HowlsOfWinter][@Sanity43217][@Sincerely][@PiePizzle][@Faerrin][@kingdomkeylight][@Dezuel] Raven and I went ahead with making a(n optional) Discord that can be found [url=https://discord.gg/vxQkEe]here[/url]. Anyone who has shown interest is welcome to join for discussion, help with their character sheets, etc. I tried to ping everyone that has expressed interest so far, but I apologize if I missed anyone. There are some questions in the server that I already put (mostly snowball questions), but feel free to put and add your own. I'm laying down for a while as I have a cold, but I'll be helping Raven a bit on the more technical side with creating the Roleplay (I sadly know very little about GMing and creating OOCs as I continue to flail with making my own 1x1 interest check, heh). See all of you folks soon!