[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200309/60a28d2f0d70d22f9f591b74ee6de650.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200309/f8708ff90b51b91fab99f17f1874ce0d.png[/img][/centre] [color=gold]"So, this is the team?"[/color] Lance asked as he looked around the room. Nodding at Wendy. [color=gold]"Mum says hi, Wendy.[/color] He sighed. Taking off his backpack, and pulling out his bracers. Sliding them onto his wrists, he exhaled deeply, as if a heavyweight had been lived from his shoulders. [color=gold]"Feel naked without those things."[/color] He said to no one in particular. Flashing a smirk at Trinity. Turning to the boy who had introduced himself. Nodding an acknowledgement. [color=gold]"Good morning, Charles."[/color] Turning to the rest of the group. [color=gold]"As I am sure some of you already know..."[/color] He glared at Wendy for a second before continuing to address the whole group. [color=gold]"I'm Lance.[/color]