[hider=Rory] CHARACTER SHEET 6’2 Appearance:[img]https://cdn3-www.comingsoon.net/assets/uploads/2019/08/dan-stevens-e1566235421156.jpg[/img] Name: Rory Steel Age: 27 Skills: - Calm under stressful or dangerous situations. - Athletic. - Quick-witted Equipped with Knife and pistol. Bio: The older sibling, Rory was always the more easy-going of the two Steel children. This easy nature quickly went from cute to bemusing for Rory’s mother and step-father as he grew up. As notes of school absences and failing grades began to pile up. Physical Education being the only seeming positive on his reports, Rory was quickly jousted into as many sports as possible. This led to him not being home much aside from going to bed and this continued on even as he finished secondary education. Not one with the idea of college looking great to him. Rory quickly went around the world travelling with the many friends he had obtained over his sporting endeavours. He was having a reunion with his sister when it had all went to hell. They’ve been together since, bonded by blood and surviving. [/hider] [hider=Isabelle] CHARACTER SHEET 5’7 Appearance: [img]https://em.wattpad.com/b66d9115d1c72882b31c5fce58dfd85b714be93f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4646416f55354b63644158776a673d3d2d3434383931363936332e313464383961343536323430646463323133323138323934323530342e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] Name: Isabelle Steel Age: 25 Skills: Archery Experience Wood-Working. Mathamatics Equipped with bow and arrow. Bio: Born in San Diego. Isabelle was a quiet reserved child. Which was a happy reprieve for her parents compared to her more wild brother. Someone who was clearly talented yet decision. Isabelle was put into clubs her parents thought would give her more life experience. Her quiet and now standoffish nature rubbing other kids the wrong way. She spent most of her time alone. Her family life often strained, the arguements may have ended when Rory left. But She lost her dear friend and was faced with the full pressure of her parents to succeed. Having graduated with a degree of mathamatics, Isabelle was beginning the career ladder when she was called out of blue by her brother. Little did she know that as got onto a train it would be the last time she would see anyone there again. [/hider]