[hr][hr][center][h1][color=9C00FF]Jack Gold[/color][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/c710e06e7be2e8cf804fcdda9a91738fe8b12f5e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6f7977564951515332716e3173773d3d2d3530353932363935302e313531646638653466643632636237313738343735313530363832382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][hr][color=9C00FF]Location:[/color] Merlin's Warehouse [color=9C00FF]Skills:[/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Jack wasn't at all surprised that Megan seemed interested in the whole beheading thing. She always was more interested in that sort of thing, which was the main explanation for her choice of profession. He couldn't help but chuckle at her questioning if they still had the head at all. It was more or less just him getting used to her sense of curiosity and some humor. Sure it was a bit dark and morbid, but it was the way that she was and he was fine with that, though he was going to tease her later about being the daughter of King Arthur of all people, that was just funny. He listened in to Tinker Bell's interjection as to the reason for bringing the kids of villains along for the ride. [color=9C00FF]"So should I take it as a compliment that you decided to bring me here or whatever? Or what? Since this is really weird to think that your dad is supposedly someone who likes to behead people or whatever it was that he did in the story... So next question... You've said we're in danger or whatever, okay... So you reached out to us... What exactly are we supposed to do now?"[/color] With those last words, he heard the phone go off and he pulled it out, looking at the message from Isabella. [color=9C00FF]"Are these the others?"[/color] he asked Merlin, holding up the phone so that they could see the pictures and names of people on the phone, they were pictures of everyone else who had fairy tale parents supposedly. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=A36AC7]Rosalia Rider[/color][/h1][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3vRofYKCYCY16cgg/source.gif[/img][hr][color=A36AC7]Location:[/color] Her apartment [color=A36AC7]Skills:[/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] She wasn't at all too sure what to think regarding everything, but she was glad that the landlord seemed to leave her be and walk away. [color=A36AC7]"So glad that he decided to leave us be, ugh the guy can be so annoying at times, but what can you do or whatever?"[/color] she responded simply towards Taylor, before she heard the loud crash outside of her door, and she turned to stare at it, backing away from it. She heard the little puppy dog wake up and instantly start growling and barking towards the door. The fact that there had been some stranger just moments before looking towards her apartment was not very reassuring. Taylor's reaction when she poked her head out the door was [i]definitely[/i] not at all reassuring. Springing into action, she scooped up the puppy and put him in her bag, but allowed him to have his head poking out of it and she ran to the nearest window with a fire escape and opened it up, turning towards Taylor. [color=A36AC7]"Guessing it probably was that weird guy who was staring at my apartment door. I'm honest here, I have no idea who the hell that guy was, but I do know one thing, something tells me we need to get the hell out of here, so out the fire escape we go, come on!"[/color] she said as she motioned for Taylor to go down the fire escape first. After all, if the guy was paying attention to her apartment, then the guy was after her, she just hoped that she could get Taylor out of harms way.