[@Zyshi] The [i][b]Cat Empire - Brighter than Gold[/b][/i]: 8/10 I have never heard this song or anything by the Cat Empire prior to viewing this clip. As a trumpet player, I appreciate any group that uses brass and/or saxophone instruments. The music has a pleasing sound; the percussion has a driving beat and the lyrics are good. I also appreciate the [i]French Quarter, New Orleans[/i] flavor to the costumes and the Voodoo witch doctor. I may listen to this group for more of their stuff. My own tastes are quite eclectic covering many decades and styles. Since my roots are grounded in heavy metal that is what I will offer today. This song was one of my workout songs that got me motivated. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSmtHBMjXLU[/youtube]