[hr][center][h1][color=39b54a]Sonjari[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Deep within within the jungle of the island, far north of the mountain range that dominated the island, a Sonjari raised it's head to the sky with a squint of it's beady eyes. Then another one, then a few more, until all 100 of them were staring up at the grey sky that stretched far above them. It was raining in that melancholic afternoon fashion that makes you want to stare out of the window for hours, but this wasn't what perplexed the Sonjari. No, they could... feel the change. Something was coming. This wasn't just a normal rain, not something that they could dance in and enjoy while they guarded their origin tree. No, this was something else, something much more sinister. They knew, because it wasn't supposed to rain yet. Rain always comes in the afternoon, but it was hardly even noon. Highly unusual for a place that was so predictable for the people who have lived their whole life in a forest, even if they don't remember it. Their instincts were there, and even though they couldn't tell why exactly, they knew that this wasn't supposed to be happening. Eventually one of the Sonjari, a burly winter turned his head away from the sky and back towards the upturned mounds around the area where the Sonjari have planted the only sapling they had from the Ősfa. When 3 months ago they found themselves on this island all of a sudden, everything they thought they knew ceased to exist. They were thrown into a chaos, not knowing what will be of them on this island that they clearly knew had to sapling from their tree. It was during this initial chaos that this same winter scoured the area of their first landing and stumbled upon a small tree, barely a sapling, that resonated with an all too familiar energy. Gathering around it, the Sonjari finally organized under the leadership of the winter and a short spring who excelled with the words. For a week they scoured a place to plant their sapling, and after some initial encounters with the wildlife and scouring the forest for a good place they have found said place. It has been 3 months since, and the Ősfa has grown into the size of an ancient oak, it's foliage finally starting to pierce that of the forest around him. Trees around it have been cut down and their trunks removed to give space for the mighty sapling to mature, and the wood they gained this way were used to construct primitive huts made of sticks and thatch. The burly winter now turned towards said houses, clay pots with various contents strewn about them. This would not do, they needed to prepare. [color=39b54a]"Inya, to me."[/color] He called out, and a few of the Sonjari turned to him as his voice pierced the music of the rain. One of the smaller springs had a confusion on their face, their foliage rustling a bit as they sighed and walked over to the winter, looking up into the eyes of the larger winter for a moment before taking their place besides him. [color=39b54a]"Sons, I call to you!"[/color] The winter now explained as he raised his hand towards the sky, his simply spear in one of his hands. [color=39b54a]"The weather is changing, and it means that we must adapt! The tree needs to be protected, especially now when it's still but a sapling, a shadow of it's former glory. We need to get a move on, and gather food for ourselves!"[/color] His voice was harsh and brazen, but it carried no ill intent as it addressed his kin. The winter stopped here for a moment and turned his head towards the smaller spring besides him. It looked back up for a moment, anxiously changing their stance before taking a step forward to speak as well. [color=8dc73f]"Kor is right, we must do what we can to prepare for the worst. We do not know what weather the clouds bring. I will go with the springs and autumns into the mountains to see if we can't find any more evidence of other Sonjari, or other saplings of the tree. The winters will stay here to guard the tree, under the leadership of Kor, and the summers will continue to forage in the woods."[/color] Inya was clearly about to say something else too, but Kor took a step forward, silencing the other Sonjari and making the others shift uncomfortably as they began scurrying around their little campsite to gather their equipment. [color=39b54a]"Remember sons, the tree relies on us to protect it, especially now. It once was a force of nature, blessing us with sentience and life, but now the roles have been reversed and we must protect it!"[/color] He took a short break here as he looked back towards the tree. It was all a lie, but a convincing one. No Sonjari knew what exactly the Ősfa is really like when it grows up, but they all knew that they had a strong connection to it, and that it birthed them. Anything else was but a suspicion or a lie, and lie which Kor has been playing form the moment he found the tree. He could not stand seeing his people lose hope when they knew they would surely die without their tree. He had to step up and establish order where there was none. It didn't come naturally to the winter, but over the past 3 months he and the spring established a primitive form of order amongst their peers. Broken into groups based on their season, they Sonjari were split into groups who were assigned different tasks. The Winters were their warriors, the Springs their gatherers, the Autumns their explorers and hunters, while the Springs usually remained around the tree to tend to it and cater to the needs of the other groups. And so far it has been working well for them, but they all knew that this split into groups didn't come naturally. With time, they would have to change, but that could wait until the tree was fully grown. [color=39b54a]"Gather your tools. We split at noon, when the sun is right above the great tree. That is all."[/color] With that Kor gave a meaningful glance at Inya before he tightened the grip on his spear and turned his back to the other Sonjari and walked up to the great tree where a small group of winters were standing ground, staring at him intently after his announcement. By now, most of the winters have accepted Kor as their leader, but the other seasons always saw Inya as the one who should speak. The spring had a way with words that wasn't such dramatic as Kor, and unlike the winter, Inya wasn't such hard on them. Without either of them, there would be chaos again among their ranks. Everybody could feel the tension in the air, and at night could hear as the two argued over what the Sonjari should do to survive. But for now there was an uneasy alliance, and while Kor was guarding the tree with his winters it would remain so. [hider=TL;DR] The Sonjari are split into 4 groups based on the season of their birth, and form a basic hierarchy. They set out to find more of what they believe to be their lost kin, while internal power struggles are starting to appear between two of the more influental members of their society. [/hider]