[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bW2PNFV.png[/img][/center] Annabelle was entranced by the sight of the girl, not especially for her good looks or extravagant attire, but for the peculiar situation of it all. An imprisoning crystal, a horned girl, and all seemingly descended from the very heavens. As far as her imagination could help her, the raven-haired girl was convinced that this 'meteor' had carried with it not a treasure or rare material, but a fallen cosmic being. A girl from beyond the stars, or even the moon perhaps. Whatever she was, she was not of this world. That she was encased in crystal and seemingly mid-defensive position spoke to Annabelle of a fight which had gone awry for her. This, coupled with her having descended in a flash of light gave her the idea of a punishment. She spoke up, standing by Ciel as Cecilia moved to touch it. "It is almost as if... she was cursed to be imprisoned here. Encased in this crystal, and cast to our realm. Maybe she's a goddess?" Annabelle proposed. Her looks and attire certainly seemed to reflect as much, anyways. "We should be careful not to upset-" Annabelle's voice caught in her throat when the light went dark and a chill cracked into the air. "C-careful Cecilia!" she called out, extending a hand as if to draw her away. This thing was dangerous, perhaps even [i]angry[/i]. Annabelle was not keen on disturbing it, but she also held the same sentiment as Cecilia, if only out of a concern for the rest of the realm as well. If this trapped young girl was a powerful being, she certainly did not want some dirty and arrogant empire to offend her, and bring ruin to the land. "Maybe... we can try waking her some other way. Maybe she can hear us if we shout?"