Well the biggest and most notable difference is that there isn’t a standard calendar between all the nations. Some like the northern nations that made up the former Crystal Khanate May use the same calendar system, as do the orc nations, but those two differ from one another. Even neighboring nations like the Kingdom of Bray and The Apotheate have two different calendar systems due to political reasons, aka religion. Indeed, many of the different calendars are based around dominate religions, as temples and such often hold festivals and celebrations which is used by the common folk as landmarks of sorts to know what the rough approximate dates are. The closest thing to a global standard time is one developed by Doros, the most powerful mercantile nation, that many of its trade allies adopt for convenience when doing business. They have a calendar system that resembles out real world Gregorian calendar with seven days making up a week, twelve months making up a year, and four seasons dividing up those months. However the Doros Calendar still differs by hours because each month has 32 days, except the winter months which have 40 days. Thus the Doros calendar has 408 days in a year.