[@Atomyk] aHH LORE. She lost it about a year in. Her artist friends knew about how it happened-- but they're all dead now, and she pretty much just lies to everyone else about it, telling all kinds of stories, depending on how she'd like the other person to feel, or feel about her. I would say it's actually helped her in the long run, especially after getting better treatment from a settlement. It was one of the things that pushed her into accepting the world as it is. Her depth perception is shit because of it-- but it has improved her long range shooting capacity, actually as her right eye was dominant and with monocular vision it's a lot easier for her to be looking at things at a distance-- she closed her left eye to shoot anyway, and now she doesn't need to focus on sending any energy to it, at least, that's why she thinks she's a better sniper-- in truth she doesn't know, but it is a common phenomenon among hunters who lose eyes. Basically, it made her more effective at longer ranges-- which is how she prefers to deal with things-- but up close and mid range she's so useless with a gun it's basically just a waste of bullets to give her one. I can include all this in the CS-- I just wanted it to be compact and pretty like the people here who I'm trying to impress. Don't worry that includes you lmao.