[quote=@pandapolio] Hey here's my character sheet, sorry for the wait. [hider=Hideki Nise] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200426/6f7dccb9f437173e9fe82d9eabc6b4b1.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/333460623243477002/703816597600469002/unknown.png[/img][/center] [hr][right][color=A9A9A9][sub][i]“Either you make it with your own power, or I'll carry you there.”[/i][/sub][/color][/right][hr] [h3]Personal[/h3][hr][sub][color=A1A157][b]N A M E[/b][/color][/sub] [INDENT][color=A9A9A9]Hideki Nise [/color][/INDENT] [sub][color=A1A157][b]A G E[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9]14[/color][/indent] [sub][color=A1A157][b]C L A N[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9]Hideki Clan[/color][/indent] [Sub][color=A1A157][b]S E X U A L I T Y [/b][/color][/sub] [INDENT][color=A9A9A9]Hetrosexual[/color][/INDENT] [Sub][color=A1A157][b]B L O O D T Y P E[/b][/color][/sub] [Indent][color=A9A9A9]A+[/color][/indent] [h3]Characterization[/h3][hr][Sub][color=A1A157][b]H E I G H T[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9]5'4"[/color][/INDENT] [Sub][color=A1A157][b]E Y E S[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9] Yellow[/color][/INDENT] [Sub][color=A1A157][b]H A I R [/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9]Black / Messy and Semi-Short[/color][/INDENT] [Sub][color=A1A157][b]H E A D B A N D P L A C E M E N T[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9]Wrapped on his left hand with the symbol on the back of his hand.[/color][/INDENT] [sub][color=A1A157][b]C H A K R A N A T U R E[/b][/color][/sub] [INDENT] [color=A9A9A9] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165923[/img] Suiton | Water [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/de/Nature_Icon_Yin.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20100916093714[/img] Yin [/color][/INDENT] [sub][color=A1A157][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9] [color=39b54a]-[/color]Dependable [color=39b54a]-[/color]Caring [color=39b54a]-[/color]Passionate [color=ed1c24]-[/color]Demanding [color=ed1c24]-[/color]Stubborn [color=ed1c24]-[/color]Disrespectful [/color][/indent] [sub][color=A1A157][b]P E R S O N A L H I S T O R Y[/b][/color][/sub][indent][color=A9A9A9]Nise grew up with his parents deep in the forest in the Land of Fire. His parents were hunters that sold their catches to nearby settlements along with the Hidden Leaf Village. While living in such a remote place they were able to ignore most of the effects of the war. It was just after the war ended that Nise was born. He loved the outdoors from the moment he could walk and would spend most waking moments wandering the forest. While growing up he idolized his father and followed him everywhere. The hunter had his prey spooked away many times thanks to his ever present son asking loud questions or getting distracted. While his father was irritated at times by the boy, he could never stay mad at him and loved him dearly. Growing up following his father he began to learn the ways of a hunter. Even though at home he was loud and rambunctious most of the time he learned to be silent during hunts with his father. He learned to move silently and mask his killing intent from prey. He became so talented at disguising his presence it almost seemed supernatural to his father. It was then that his old man began to theorize his son might actually have some latent talent as a ninja. Of course, he had no idea of proving or testing ability with his incredibly limited knowledge of ninjas. With this in mind, his father began to try and train Nise the best he could. This translated to teaching his son to survive and thrive on his own in the forest. He began taking Nise on "camping trips" deep into the wilderness long past their normal hunting grounds. He would then task his son with hunting and foraging by himself for a few days. This is where Nise began to develop what he would eventually discover was genjutsu. During one of these trips, Nise was exploring a part of the forest he had left alone for the most part when he heard a small whimper. Beyond some bushes, he found a small bear cub that seemed like it was injured. Worried about the small creature Nise ran to it to try and help. Nise became so flustered by this he forgot to check his surroundings or move silently instead, running right to the poor creature. When he reached the creature he heard a deep growl to his left and froze in fear. He watched as a large bear walk into the clearing glaring at him with the injured cub. Enraged the bear began to run at the petrified boy. As much as Nise wanted to run away he couldn't. He couldn't move his body at all as he was petrified in fear watching the creature charge him. Right before the beast reached him Nise felt a hand wrap around his collar and yank him away. After being pulled into the arms of his savior Nise realized it was his father who had rescued him. The old man held on to his boy tight as he ran as fast as his leg could possibly move. He ran for miles before slowing down to check on his son. It was when he stopped he began to feel a hint of pain in his back that had been numb before. Realizing that it was the adrenaline that was keeping him standing he forced him and his son to keep moving. They made it within a mile of their home before he finally collapsed from his wound. Nise began to panic once again before remembering that is what got them in this situation in the first place. Calming down he grabbed his father and dragged him the rest of the way to their house. Once his father recovered it was clear this injury was more serious than just a flesh wound. It would be difficult for him to hunt or do real physical exercise for more than an hour. Nise was hysterical and blamed himself for everything that had happened. Even though his father tried to calm him down, Nise wouldn't stop crying and apologizing. Nise's father realized his son would blame himself no matter what, so he had to help the boy cope with that. He told his son that the past couldn't be changed and that was a fact of life. The only thing Nise could do was promise to do better next time and live up to that promise no matter what. This hit Nise deep and he made a promise to his father there. He would never let his fear control him or harm someone he cares about, even if he has to pay his life. After a bit of time, it was decided that Nise would go to the ninja academy and see if he had any potential. With his father unable to make a living hunting anymore the possibility of being a ninja promised much more money for his family than keeping with hunting.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=A1A157][b]C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=A9A9A9]I am not exactly entirely sure where I want Nise to go with this. One thing I want to happen is he learns to not blame himself as much whenever a comrade is hurt or he makes a mistake. Powerwise I want him to develop his treacherous terrain as his main weapon. He should also learn more ways to use genjutsu other than his limited arsenal as of this moment.[/color][/indent] [h3]Attributes[/h3][hr][sub][color=A1A157][b]T A L E N T S[/b][/color][/sub][hr] [INDENT][color=A1A157][b]• Natural Genjutsu Talent:[/b][/color][color=A9A9A9] Nise is a natural at using genjutsu thanks to his affinity for Yin release.[/color] [color=A1A157][b]• Incredibly Observant: [/b][/color][color=A9A9A9]Nothing rarely escapes notice by Nise, whether it is a new presence or simply an unnatural movement.[/color] [color=A1A157][b]• Clever Fighter: [/b][/color][color=A9A9A9]With his very limited ability in ninjutsu and taijutsu he has to defeat his enemies with genjutsu and brains rather than brawn.[/color] [color=A1A157][b]• Indomitable Will: [/b][/color][color=A9A9A9]If given the choice to either surrender or die Nise would likely laugh in their face and challenge them to take his head.[/color] [color=A1A157][b]• Capable Archer: [/b][/color][color=A9A9A9]Growing up a hunter meant Nise was tasked with collecting his own food, and his tool of choice for this was a bow much like his father.[/color][/INDENT] [color=A1A157][sub][b]T O O L S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][INDENT] [color=A1A157][b]• Pouch:[/b][/color] [color=A9A9A9]You never know when you need to store items you find.[/color] [color=A1A157][b]•Bow and Arrow:[/b][/color] [color=A9A9A9]Nise still has his trusty hunting weapon from his father with him.[/color][/INDENT] [color=A1A157][sub][b]T E C H N I Q U E S[/b][/sub][/color][hr] [color=A1A157][sub][b]C R A N K[/b][/sub][/color] [INDENT][color=A1A157]•Treachorous Terrain[/color] [color=A9A9A9]Nise uses his natural Genjutsu abilities and his incredible observational instincts to create a widespread genjutsu. Nise slowly manipulates the terrain in a radius around him for his foes. He starts small to not let his targets notice his genjutsu taking effect and will gradually increase the scale of the illusions. While he does not truly change the terrain, he morphs it with illusions for his opponents to warp their senses on the battlefield. He is able to use this on multiple targets at once, although when using this technique he can barely move let alone fight.[/color][/INDENT] [color=A1A157][sub][b]D R A N K[/b][/sub][/color] [INDENT][color=A1A157]•Hidden Eye Technique[/color] [color=A9A9A9]Using Genjutsu Nise attempts to fool his opponent into losing sight of an object or person. He does this by making his target subconsciously look away from whatever Nise is covering.[/color] [color=A1A157]•Silent Step Technique[/color] [color=A9A9A9]Much like his hidden eye technique, he influences the target to ignore the sounds of his movement.[/color][/INDENT] [/hider] So I realize the C-rank power might be a bit confusing so hopefully here is a better explanation. It is the kinda "base" power I thought of when I thought of making a character. Nise is using Genjutsu to create "false" terrain and objects. He does this much like one would use Genjutsu to fool someone into seeing something that is not there but on a much larger scale. At first, he would start small, because the weakness of genjutsu is when it is noticed. He would change small things like rocks, bushes, and small streams. He would expand slowly over time in order to not let his target notice. This would escalate to larger objects like making trees, boulders and the such disappear and creating others in the wrong spot. This is for the purpose of either confusing and making an opponent lost out of battle, or force them into mistakes in battle. While his allies would see the normal battlefield his foes could be funneled into certain paths or even lose sights of others because of the illusions. I know this is a pretty scuffed idea and I am willing to work on it a lot to make it work. I'm open to suggestions by anyone in the rp and really hope to work with others to make it work. [/quote] Your character looks fine, and I the C Rank ability should be okay -- if it seems too strong, I'll ask you to scale it back. Too weak, and we can buff it some. Anyway, you'll be in Squad 5.