[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6OY99S.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=AF2AFF]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 13 [b][color=AF2AFF]Magic:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] [color=AF2AFF]"Eh, it's whatever, not much I can do about it,"[/color] she responded simply to what Penny was saying, before watching as the Hufflepuff took off to go check on her sister. Of course, she couldn't blame her for that, after all, the train had just been under attack after all. She was trying not to be bothered at all regarding everything, preferring to not actually admit that she was a little freaked out by the entire thing, she didn't even really pay attention to what Andre said about seeing her dad in the hallway when she saw Paige enter the room, covered in guts of some sort. [color=AF2AFF]"What did you get yourself into Paige?"[/color] Zelda asked her friend with a bit of an eye roll, before she turned her wand towards her friend. [color=AF2AFF][i]"Scourgify![/i][/color] she said, waving her wand as all of the guts from the rat disappeared, and actually Paige looked a bit cleaner then she had when she came onto the train. [color=AF2AFF]"Now that's better,"[/color] she said, before noticing her father enter the compartment. "Hey there Zelda, just wanting to check to see how you're doing," he said towards her as he leaned against the frame to the compartment door. [color=AF2AFF]"It's whatever, considering the fact that you're here mum's okay?"[/color] "Yup, she is, the whole situation is under control now, so you all don't have anything to worry about." [color=AF2AFF]"That's good to hear..."[/color] "You all should grab your stuff and head on out to the bus that's waiting for you," Flynn said with a slight wave, "See you later, okay?" he added, before with those last words and a few waves towards the others, he left the compartment. [color=AF2AFF]"Let's get going if we want to get to the bus... Though your guys' stuff is in different compartments I suppose,"[/color] she said towards Andre and Talbot as she grabbed her things and started heading out of the compartment. Goose followed along closely behind her, trotting along by her feet.