[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]No-Man's Land, Land of Adventure-> Spiral Mountain, Land of Adventure[/center] [center]Lvl 5 (0/50) -> Lvl 5 (1/50) [/center] [center]Word Count: 321 words[/center] [@DracoLunaris] [hider=New Power Gained- Axii!] A simple but effective sign, Axii assails the foe's mind and bends them to the user's will. In combat, the sign serves one of two purposes: stunning an opponent, or, when focused on more actively, controlling an opponent in combat. Stunning an enemy is as simple as making the sign, and the attack will overwhelm the enemy's mind and leave them too disoriented to coordinate themselves for a period of about seven seconds. Overriding an enemy's mind and controlling them is a much more difficult task. Typically impossible on more mentally resilient enemies (usually boss or mini-boss level), Axii nonetheless can wreak havoc on a group of foes if they're not expecting to have to fight one of their own. It also serves a second purpose of taking the heat off Geralt if he's surrounded. Oddly enough, many enemies seem to be even deadlier when being puppeted by the sign. Whether the effect of a removal of some inhibition, or even breaking the biological inhibitors that adrenaline deactivates (in humans, at least) is unknown. It's simply...known, that enemies controlled by Axii are deadlier than they would otherwise be. Outside of combat, Axii must be maintained much more actively to produce anything more than a simple command. However, Geralt can use the sign to give complex orders to an individual. Of course, if others see him doing this to their friend, it tends to go over poorly. A few peasants may have lost their teeth or their lives trying to fight Geralt when he foolishly used this sign with others witness to what he was doing. Others...wisely ran in the opposite direction.[/hider] Shuffling along in the horde of undead, Geralt was honestly surprised to see how well the rushed plan was working. Although, he did have his compatriots to thank for that, as they were providing a [i]wonderful[/i] horde of distractions. And even if they saw him, the man hardly would have seemed dangerous compared to the size changing turtle monster, the flying creatures, the GIANT BEAM OF DEATH Blazermate had fired, or any of the other wacky shit that had happened. Frankly, Geralt was glad he was so utterly unremarkable right now. It made his job much easier. Frankly, he wasn't even quite sure of what he was going to do, but he had to decide quickly. Some of the others were taking the fight to the snipers, while others were trying to destroy the tower itself. Geralt only had a few bombs, but he supposed he could spare them if it helped put an end to this madness. While their opponents weren't doing any real damage, for now, Geralt did [i]not[/i] want to imagine what would happen once they were all turned into trophies. It would only be a matter of time. Still, onward the brigade of the damned shuffled, and Geralt sighted his next target- the Boss's Kid! As they slowly started climbing the twisting mountain-tower, Geralt nodded to himself. He'd grab the kid, smack the trophy base, and they'd get back to fighting. And maybe blow something up. It was the perfect plan. Taking a deep breath, Geralt rushed into action. He didn't even bother to worry about being spotted, if he was quick, they wouldn't have time to notice him, not with all the smoke in the area, as well. Grabbing the statue, Geralt lifted it and slapped the base, already turning to get back to his horde, gesturing silently after the Kid to follow. Calling any more attention to himself at this point would be....unwise.