[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/7STnRDF.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JbOW25x.png[/img] [hr][/center] [quote=Agatha][color=AE45FF]"... Would [i]you[/i] mind being my "second-in-command?"[/color][/quote] "Of course," Claudette said, this was the only part of this particular part of Agatha's speech that Claudette responded to. "I think it'll be best because I have a bit more sway in the Coven than most believe and I'll focus on trying to keep the peace." Claudette smiled widely as she agreed. It was going to be perfect because she had some other goals in mind. [quote][color=AE45FF]"Well the reason the Coven is toxic is that it's got, toxic people. Emily acts like an alpha-bitch straight out of some 90's high school movie, don't even get me started on Babylon, Kayla's headstrong and acts like [i]she's[/i] the leader and even used the Coven to go and beatdown her vampire problem. Sin threatened to kill me for telling her to stop her summon from nearly killing somebody yesterday-- you want me to keep going? I get what you're bringing up, but I think what we need most is a firmer leadership like you suggested. We [i]do[/i] have fun, and we [i]do[/i] bond. We've gone out to lunch, hung out at the beach, even just loafed around the same building for who knows how long! If you think fun and friendship would be a better way to lead the Coven, then-- Maybe we should also get Nina or Herik on board with helping to run things around here."[/color] [/quote] "Oui," Claudette said with a concerned look on her face as she brought up a very good point. One that Claudette already knew about, however, she already knew where to take this. "Good point, good point, Mademoiselle.... however, maybe we just need a stronger push in the right direction. A few members of the Coven are... dealing with curses. Perhaps we should help them, I'm certain many would be willing to lend a hand... given how Kayla was able to sway them to fight vampires." She said with a smile. She extended a hand, "Come on, let's try it."