[@Heat] [i]And you say cheesy like it's a bad thing.[/i] I know I've liked other Avatar songs more than this one. (A Statue Of The King for example. Far stronger vocally/instrumentally imo.) But I could potentially see the chorus becoming an ear worm/a grower to someone on repeated listens. (Or maybe it'll just get annoying.) Though on the first listen it almost felt like it was all chorus lyrically, and though I enjoy my cheese, it wasn't exactly a strong one in my opinion. It's the instrumental solo in the middle, and the acoustic section at the end that make me wish I enjoyed it more throughout. (Okay, I gave it 2nd full listen. And yeah, I still don't like the chorus/meat of the song all that much. Despite it being very similar to stuff I do usually like, it's a bit Alestorm-y.) Mmm. It's above average, but I don't know if I'd listen to it for a third time. 5.75/10? [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeBf79q90js[/youtube]