[right][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191207/c606bddeec8608a2953363e423b736bf.png[/img][/right] When the one stage performance ended Taras joined in with the other patrons in clapping quietly. Regardless if he enjoyed the show or not, they were doing their job. Maybe they were doing a bit more than their job too - as the woman stepped up to the microphone Taras thought she might inquire about song requests, though it became immediately apparent that that wasn't the case. The Russian agent couldn't say he was surprised, giving the explosive start to their mission. He leaned over towards Lilliane in the middle of the dancer's speech with a raised a brow. [color=crimson]"They are quite fond of you, hm?"[/color] Although Taras still had his misgivings about her, the attack on both the route to the barn and the cafe didn't make him think she was a double agent - at least, not [i]yet.[/i] Instead he thought that perhaps she wasn't as good a spy as he initially gave her credit for. That, or German intelligence had improved a frightening amount in a very short period of time. Obviously he preferred the former to be true. His eyes shifted to the windows where soldiers were beginning to line up. The outlook wasn't good, but like hell was some sub-par stage act going to be the last thing Taras Tupolev ever saw. [color=crimson][i][/i][/color]. As soon as the woman at the mic said her farewell, Taras sighed the words out heavily, giving Yonaka barely a moment's notice to re-position before he slammed his large fist the table. The remains of the group's food and cutlery went flying as the table was upended, landing on it's side and making a shoddy barrier between the agents and the stage. Almost calmly Taras found himself grateful the server had been slow with that coffee refill. They'd been placed closer to the stage than the door - top-notch seats on the house - so there were quite a few tables and fixtures between them and the shooters outside. Soon enough though, they would become shooters [i]inside[/i]. [color=crimson]"Well,"[/color] Taras spoke over the gunfire to his fellow agents, ducking low to avoid the random spray of bullets, [color=crimson]"Now we should [i]definitely[/i] think about our next move."[/color]