[@OwO][@Versa][@Cu Chulainn][@GreenGoat][@Psyker Landshark][@Haha][@Searat][@Icy Hot][@RawrEspada4][@Yankee] Gonna sleep forever now, but a bit of an update. Starting Nation votes right now be like: Deneb - 2 Alderamin - 2 Horogi - 1 Velonta - 4 Erid - 3 Possible ideas for why people know each other are probably pointless without actually seeing what sorta characters exist, so here's a character sheet for you to fill out your RL personas. [hider=RL] [b]Appearance (Image):[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] If you're younger than 18, certain actions will be unavailable to you in-game. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] All countries exist. North Korea is still North Korea. Taiwan is still Taiwan. [b]Description:[/b] Mix physical description, personality, and background all together here. Would be good to specify their immediate first impressions on Cacophony Concord, but not too necessary. Feel free to go a bit melodramatic or crazy if you want; could literally be anyone around the globe. [/hider] The year is near-future, and for people in developed nations, nothing really seems to have changed, beyond electronics getting more powerful and expensive. The world, judging by scientists' predictions and geopolitical conflicts, is still slowly diving towards an apocalypse, but it never really feels like a dangerous time to be alive.