[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MMrwTnq.png[/img] [b][color=00aeef]PAGONIA[/color][/b][/center] The arguing was undoubtedly annoying; even to Pagonia who usually kept a chipper mode. He tired of it all as there was no reason to it. They were fighting, arguing, over things that they could be calmly discussed. Pagonia felt....something....different in his own mental state. Their bickering could have given away their position or possibly caused a rift that ruined whatever teamwork they had learned from the last monster fight. All Pagonia wanted to do was be with his little brother again; his mind racing at the thought of the inquisitors. Pythia spook up claiming the only strategists were Inquisitors and Pagonia could only wonder if that part of his life would come up. His own face against flashed in his mind before another flashed in his mind; this face was old and bearded, giving way to more thoughts. "Enough." Pagonia's voice was less cheerful and more commanding as he turned his back to the group, "Yes. I can handle guarding the left." He walked forward just enough to stay in view and form a strategic positioning with the group. Turning his head just enough to see Zestasia out the corner of his eye, he only wondered how things would play out for them. "Garland, you were right." Pagonia whispered to himself.