[hider=1.0][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/n8FWPUy.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Magdalene Ross [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] Canadian [b]Description:[/b] Born and raised in bumfuck-nowhere, Manitoba, Mags' choice in hobbies were severely limited. By some extreme luck, her father was quite a figure in professional sports. He also had a horrible sense of money from the fact that he was paid in amounts that included 6 zeroes and everything he used came from some form of sponsorship. Thus, longing for the old days of his childhood (and living in his dream home), he paid an ISP to pipe a spicy cable from the city all the way to his home just so he could play his ancient FPS games without any lag. As a result, Mags grew up wired to the internet. Not like there was anything else she could do, after all. Bumfuck-Nowhere, Manitoba wasn't exactly a shining example of metropolitan life. From the age of 6, she was already on the MMO grind. By 15, she was raiding the hardest tiers of content with the best of them. Only a sunken-cost fallacy in other games could delay her entry into Cacophony Concord. One could call Mags an agoraphobic poop-socker. They wouldn't be [i]that[/i] wrong, either. She rarely leaves the house she never moved out of. Her job is entirely telecommuted. Personality wise, she isn't the most stable and lovable person. Being raised on the internet, she lacks much of the communication skills a normal person makes. She's toxic much of the time, but spending so much time raiding has turned her into a decent (albeit crass) leader. Her appearance is pretty par for the coarse for someone like her. Her skin is a mildly unhealthy pale. Her hair is constantly messy and her eyes have deep bags from a lack of sleep. She has a bit of chub on her, but a lack of eating much has in her physique being more small if anything. If someone were to see her in as a fresh spawn, they'd instantly see a tryhard that moves with purpose.[/hider]