[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5lZGVkZWQuVGxCRGN3LCwuMAAAAAAA/lumos.caps.png[/img][/center][hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmM0YzRjNC5WR1ZoWTJobGNuTSwuMAA,/lumos.caps.png[/img] [indent][hider=Professor Sophia Sallow] [center][h1][b]Sophia Sallow[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]37 [/b] | [b]Arithmancy Professor[/b] | [b]Ravenclaw[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Standing at 5’4”, Sophia stands at an average height. She makes up for this with a surprisingly powerful presence, even if her looks could be described more as cute than beautiful. She has aged well with a round, gentle face and slender, subtly curved body. Her hair is a long dark, straight brown that's often braided back, her skin fair and her eyes a sparkling blue. Outside of teaching robes she normally wears dresses or a knitted jumper, jeans combo. Sophia is a charismatic but kind hearted woman, well loved by all those she meets. She is softly spoken but firm, rarely losing her temper but easily keeping her control over her class. She is incredibly intelligent and talented in her subject, something that she has pursued since she graduated from hogwarts long ago. She excels most in small groups or in pairs and is glad that her subject is often only taken by those who are truly passionate about it. Sophia is Cassian Sallow’s wife, the mother of Charlotte Sallow and Aunt of Benjamin Sallow. [/indent] [/hider] [/indent] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmM0YzRjNC5VM1IxWkdWdWRITSwuMAAA/lumos.caps.png[/img] [indent] [hider=Owen Park] [center][h1][b]Owen Park[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]14 [/b] | [b]4th[/b] | [b]Gryffindor[/b] | [b]He/Him[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]The older brother of Bryn, Owen stands at 5’5” and is rather muscular. [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e4b38d9c-9cc1-42cf-9b02-357620bcf8dd/db8r2fw-cb03fea6-e184-4e0b-a91e-7096dbd1dd37.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1821,q_75,strp/img_10_by_depthsofdarknesses_db8r2fw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTRiMzhkOWMtOWNjMS00MmNmLTliMDItMzU3NjIwYmNmOGRkXC9kYjhyMmZ3LWNiMDNmZWE2LWUxODQtNGUwYi1hOTFlLTcwOTZkYmQxZGQzNy5qcGciLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTE4MjEiLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS53YXRlcm1hcmsiXSwid21rIjp7InBhdGgiOiJcL3dtXC9lNGIzOGQ5Yy05Y2MxLTQyY2YtOWIwMi0zNTc2MjBiY2Y4ZGRcL2RlcHRoc29mZGFya25lc3Nlcy00LnBuZyIsIm9wYWNpdHkiOjk1LCJwcm9wb3J0aW9ucyI6MC40NSwiZ3Jhdml0eSI6ImNlbnRlciJ9fQ.behNlmd4o7GttP4bM58cGFXna_nMbID79SvhGpYscns]He’s got black hair and dark brown eyes, and light tanned brown skin[/url]. Owen is bright, cheerful and almost always smiling. He’s a bit more serious than Bryn is, something that came with maturity, and certainly not a troublemaker. He’s what could be seen as popular and almost always has people flocking around him and girls trying to go out with him. He’s a bit full of himself because of this and easily makes friends. Him and Bryn have a good relationship. He’s currently a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Carys Park] [center][h1][b]Carys Park[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]13 [/b] | [b]3rd[/b] | [b]Ravenclaw[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Carys is the older sister of Bryn, and the quietest of the three siblings. [url=https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1559002105-6551d942bc3f?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1350&q=80]She’s 4’11” and slim with long dark brown hair, medium brown eyes and light tanned brown skin[/url]. Carys is intelligent, serious and quiet. She’s one of the top in her year academically and especially excels at transfiguration. She’s very sensible and no nonsense and is quite likely to end up scolding either of her siblings, even her older brother, whenever she sees them. She’s fairly down to earth and sensible, fairly practical and in some ways very motherly to her two siblings. Carys is kind and hardworking but has a habit of being far too harsh. However, she is on good terms with her siblings even if they have a tendency to fight.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Sebastian Nott] [center][h1][b]Sebastian Nott[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]14 [/b] | [b]4th[/b] | [b]Slytherin[/b] | [b]He/Him[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Sebastian is a handsome boy, with neat blond hair and blue eyes that sparkle with intelligence. He has a sharp jawline and high cheekbones, with a narrow and slightly hooked nose and thin lips often curled in displeasure. He dresses in greens, blues, whites and blacks with a preference for clothes that err on the smarter side, such as button up shirts and smart trousers. One of the most intelligent in his year, to the point of beating a lot of the Ravenclaw members, Sebastian is very smart academically and a gifted all rounder. On top of this he easily makes his way through socialisation with his experience in high society, knowing just what to say and when to say to get people onto his side. He is very diplomatic while holding fairly extreme purist views. However, while he looks down on Halfbloods and Muggleborns it is not an opinion he publicly voices (unlike his sister). He is well liked within his house, if somewhat disliked outside of it. He plays as a keeper on the Quidditch team and is Vivienne’s older brother.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Meilien Zhou] [center][h1][b]Meilien Zhou[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]16 [/b] | [b]6th[/b] | [b]Ravenclaw[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Meilien is a [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f7dd29eb-90a2-4374-b211-1aeedcca6f50/d95v7x6-79f2acb7-c150-4441-93bc-352ffc2f58b3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_683,q_75,strp/polcadots_by_bwaworga_d95v7x6-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02ODMiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9mN2RkMjllYi05MGEyLTQzNzQtYjIxMS0xYWVlZGNjYTZmNTBcL2Q5NXY3eDYtNzlmMmFjYjctYzE1MC00NDQxLTkzYmMtMzUyZmZjMmY1OGIzLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.IwfNlko3ACJholEPWqVh9BiI5UQs53hI5d-Ffvg_DPs]beautiful girl with long, dark brown hair which is naturally straight but she often curls[/url]. Her skin is a light golden brown and often adorned with eye makeup and lipstick. Her eyes are dark brown, sparkling with intelligence and wit and she stands at 5’3”. Meilien can normally be found in simple dresses or Asian street fashion when not wearing the school uniform. Meilien is an intelligent and confident girl, with a certain charisma that has her surrounded by friends. She is as friendly as she is hardworking with a bit of a savage streak, though it is most often her younger brother who gets the brunt of this. She is sought out by many boys all of whom she turns down - she has no interest in dating at this time. Meilien is the seeker in the Ravenclaw quidditch team. Older sister of Liqin and Qiaohui, twin of Xiulan. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Xiulan Zhou] [center][h1][b]Xiulan Zhou[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]16 [/b] | [b]6th[/b] | [b]Ravenclaw[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]The identical twin of Meilien, [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f7dd29eb-90a2-4374-b211-1aeedcca6f50/d9teowx-7df020fe-9837-45fe-b538-9657758c925b.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_683,q_75,strp/nothing_gold_can_stay_by_bwaworga_d9teowx-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02ODMiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9mN2RkMjllYi05MGEyLTQzNzQtYjIxMS0xYWVlZGNjYTZmNTBcL2Q5dGVvd3gtN2RmMDIwZmUtOTgzNy00NWZlLWI1MzgtOTY1Nzc1OGM5MjViLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.CrnscNiss70MzXde_VmnlPX4pA5Z1PWPkXddhHqlysA]Xiulan is an equally beautiful if slightly shorter girl.[/url] Meilien is normally found with her hair tied up in a bun or pulled back in a ponytail unlike her twin sister who leaves it loose. Outside of uniform she wears dresses or comfortable sweater / knitted jumper and dress combinations. Xiulan is slightly quieter than Meilien, with more of a bookworm attitude and intelligence. However she is incredibly close to her twin and the two are rarely found apart and share many friends. While she is more of a follower than a leader she is still very social, and has dated many boys (unlike her twin who rejects them). While she doesn’t speak as often Xiulan can often be the more savage of the two and is the one who keeps all her siblings in line. She is a Ravenclaw prefect. Older sister of Liqin and Qiaohui, twin of Meilien. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Qiaohui Zhou] [center][h1][b]Qiaohui Zhou[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]15 [/b] | [b]5th[/b] | [b]Gryffindor[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]The sporty one of the family, Qioahui stands at 5’4” and the current tallest of the Zhou siblings. She’s often found outside running or in the quidditch fields, with her just past shoulder length black hair tied up. [url=https://unsplash.com/photos/hjqAhUScSiw]Her skin is a light golden brown and her dark eyes sparkle with mischief and joy, a smile almost always on her lips[/url]. She normally wears sweaters and shorts or jeans, anything that allows for easy movement. Qiaohui is bright and somewhat abrasive, running through life without much of a care beyond her love for quidditch. She still manages to get good grades due to a natural intelligence but is nothing compared to her older siblings. Still she is well liked for her bubbly personality even if she never grew out of her enjoyment of pranks. Her biggest love is quidditch and she plays as a Chaser for the Gryffindor team, something she hopes to continue beyond graduation. Older sister of Liqin, younger sister of Meilien and Xiulan.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Charlotte “Charlie” Sallow] [center][h1][b]Charlotte Sallow[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]12 [/b] | [b]2nd[/b] | [b]Ravenclaw[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Charlotte is a slightly taller than average girl, with a bright look and a wide smile. [url=https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1531853661443-d3add410b948?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=crop&w=700&q=80]She’s pretty, with a heart shaped face and medium brown skin[/url]. Her hair is a dark brown and incredibly curly. She often pushed it back with the use of a hairband or similar. Her eyes are light brown and sparkling with energy and intelligence. She normally wears tank tops and shorts in the summer, and hoodies and skinny jeans in winter. Charlie is an intelligent but energetic individual. The sorting hat was torn between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for her, but ended up with the former. She’s among the top in her year and incredibly passionate about knowledge, just like both her parents. However she is loud and boisterous with a daredevil streak. Charlie is often relentless with her teasing of friends and people she’s close to, her favourite person to wind up being her slightly younger cousin. The two are good friends, though, outside of this. Charlie is a beater on the Ravenclaw quidditch team and very talented at it. She is Ben’s cousin and Cassian Sallow’s daughter. [/indent] [/hider] WIP BELOW HERE [hider=Ruaridh Maclean] [center][h1][b]Ruaridh Maclean[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]15 [/b] | [b]5th[/b] | [b]Hufflepuff[/b] | [b]He/Him[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Ishbel’s older brother.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Fraser Maclean] [center][h1][b]Fraser Maclean[/b][/h1] [h3]| [b]13 [/b] | [b]3rd[/b] | [b]Hufflepuff[/b] | [b]He/Him[/b] |[/h3][/center] [indent]Ishbel’s older brother. Beater on the Quidditch team.[/indent] [/hider] [/indent]