[hider=Just ...leave it at the door. ] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XtTTIwk.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Nivlek Lee Rai Hong [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Russian/Chinese (dual citizenship) [b]Description:[/b] Long disheveled hair from years of social distancing, swollen puffy eyes from sleepless nights and a severe medical condition, with a pair of broad shoulders from the physical labours that come with keeping a rundown cabin intact all by one lonesome. Nivlek Lee Rai Hong lives in the woods in his little house, far from the routes of civillization and the people that might make him sick. Afterall, ever since that incident two years ago, his immune system had taken a turn for the worse and he had to isolate himself from others. This meant he had to make a choice: Live in a special ward where everything in the padded cell is kept impeccably clean. Or. Give up and live the rest of his remaining days as normal. He took the in-between choice. Nivlek sought isolation in a rundown cabin he found on a property website for an almost negligible price, far away from the comforts of Human civillization, it had electricity that ran only during the night and a well - that was enough. Now he lives in the woods somewhere, barely making a living by hunting, odd online jobs and handicrafts for almost 2 years now. Not the most glamorous of lives and certainly nothing to be proud of, but as long as he stayed far away from anyone with the flu or any airborne illness then he would be alive. And that's all that matters. But one day, an almost forgotten friend from the past sent him this strange device. Inside was a portable solar charger and a helmet that fit snugly on his crown, alongside a hand-written message: "It's time you reconnected to the world." Regret swelled in his heart and he was angry when he read the note, but not sure at what. Time sometimes heals wounds and sometimes ...it just makes you forget they exist in the first place. When he lied down on his bed, the visor over his eyes and his arms tightly wrapped around his crossbow, in case any wildlife came intruding upon his household. The world went dark and then in a few moments, there ....in front ...a small ...blue ....electronic light... ----------- [b]Personality:[/b] Nivlek is an extreme introvert in real life but takes great strides not to show it, he can at most manage to talk to others face to face normally for 5 minutes before having a panic attack. It was fortunate, in a sense, that he now HAD to not meet others in real life for medical reasons. However when he goes online he becomes a lot more confident, though still unable to truly get close to others and always lying to keep them away from his private life. But where he lacks utterly in social skills, Nivlek is a highly capable learner and managed to become adept at many more hands-on skills quickly. In the short period of time he had to get used to this lifestyle, he had learnt archery, woodworking, electronics, traditional medicine, tracking and various other unrelated skills all on his own. He was also an intern biotechnologist before the accident. He has always been independant and believed that the only one he could truly trust in the world, was himself. A leftover mental scar from being overly kind and naive in his younger days. ------------------------ [b]Trivia: [/b] Ironically, he likes Humans more than animals - even if interacting with Humans is probably what's going to put him in danger. He swears that during the full moon, there's something unnatural lurking in the woods hunting alongside him. He believes that his friend sent him this, not out of generosity, but wanting him to figure out the puzzle that was Cacophony Concord. His favoured foods are peanut butter, bear and fried pine leaves. [/hider] Personal connections: I am trying to find such things for my character with other players, someone could be that mysterious friend from his past or someone he knew. They could be the delivery guy who sends him his mail or they could be a student in the same university he helped out at before the incident. Some in game event would be alright too, afterall we're all newbs here (in Cacophony Concord!). :3.