[@The Goblin King] Thanks! I was thinking that yeah, some relative was originally from Faerie and settled in the human world for whatever reason, and that the family kept their practices alive, albeit secret. The concept I have now is a male witch who wants to travel to Faerie so he can study magic further, specifically for its medicinal applications (as he wants to be a doctor of some flavour) - though I might also make him a general scholar, not sure yet. I'm thinking that while he has a better grasp on magic than most earth-born witches since his family has taken pains to preserve their knowledge, they are in the end relying on the knowledge of only one original witch (and they probably weren't even a scholar of magic), so despite preserving this information, it is still limited. I figure his idea of what Faerie is like is probably either warped or unclear, since he'd be working only on stories passed down through his family (and we all know how stories can change as they're passed along). Does that sound okay? As for pixies, I'm thinking of basing them on the pixies in Final Fantasy XIV. In that lore, they're said to be reincarnations of dead children, so they're eternally childlike and playful, enjoying playing tricks on mortals. They're also quite possessive, often to troublesome degrees as fae creatures tend to do xD In that lore they live by a simple yet rigid code of conduct and can also make pacts with mortals, though I don't think I'd be making use of that particular mechanic. My idea was to play a trio of pixies who essentially function as one character because they're inseparable, if that's okay.