[center][h1]ℜ𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔱[/h1][/center] [hr] Swallowing back the primal fear that had begun to well in the back of his mind, Renault took a shaky breath, steeling his nerves. Something fearful had possessed him while he gazed into that wretched abyss. He was taught in the Order that Men did not fear the dark - but the creatures that dwelt within. [i]'It is only a godless creature that cannot stand the light'[/i], the elder Paladins would declare with conviction. The dawning sun would erase all obscurity, reveal a man for all his intentions. Long had demons and their ilk used the shadows as refuge, all-but-refusing to act in daylight so long as necessity allowed it. Some argued that their senses had long grown accustomed to darkness, with bright light causing discomfort and disorientation. Others took a more romantic approach, believing that such creatures despised their own countenance, refusing to look upon themselves for fear of shame. But Rats had little sense for shame. They were vermin: plague-born and feasters of refuse. Perking his ears as the group spoke of a light source, Renault spoke up finally. "I may have something." He knelt to one leg - gingerly to avoid agitating his injury further. Unslinging his shield off his back and to the floor beside him, Renault pulled out his backpack and rummaged about inside for a few moments, muttering to himself. The militia hadn't exactly been gentle with his belongings. Retrieving a hooded lantern and a flask pint of oil, Renault spared a moment giving the lantern a once-over for any obvious damage. Seeing none, he uncorked the flask and carefully poured it into the lantern, swearing under-breath as his sore, clumsy hands caused him to spill a few drops. With the lantern sufficiently filled, he returned the now-empty flask to his pack before hoisting the whole thing onto his shoulders. Sniffling once with a stifled cough at the musty air, Renault wrinkled his nose as the strong smell of the oil hit him. Waiting til his breath had properly adjusted, he spoke once more. "All we need's a small bit of flame to light this, should be six hour's worth."