[center] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yG03e5S.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlqtCQLTlWE] Background Music[/url] [hr] [/center] [indent] The forest paths continued to wind and become more difficult to traverse. Balder's mood seemed to grow darker and darker the further they went. [i]Was this the right path? Were they lost?[/i] By now, the maps had grown completely useless. The paths did not match up, and there were no landmarks or guidestones to tell exactly where they were. "I may have made a mistake leading you all in here..." Balder muttered with a grimace, before a loud rustling and shadowy shape erupted into the path they were on. [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UHcKUMQ.png[/img] [/center] [color=red]"Blwaarrughhh!!!"[/color] The creature seemed to warble at the group, it's goofy and boulbous eyes scanning them all, before quickly spinning around on its small tendrils and quickly scurrying away. "There it is!" Balder yelled, drawing his blade, before standing, dumbfounded as it retreated. "It...ran away. Why?" [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SaeSFFL.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Farris Wood[/b] Deep Woods. 21st Sun of Ondine [/color][hr][/right] [color=gray]"Wait did it just run away?"[/color] Edgar called from the middle of the pack. [color=gray]"Then let's catch it! Or...kill it! Whatever we're supposed to do!"[/color] Edgar grabbed Francesca from his toolbelt, waving the large metal wrench around. [color=gray]"It didn't look that scary!"[/color] It almost looked kind of cute, actually! "Hold up." Balder said. "Miniboros and Malboros are supposed to be mindless beasts. They don't know fear. Or tactics. It should have attacked us head on. But it didn't." His eyes narrowed. "Something is different. We follow, but carefully. Everyone should be ready for an attack from any direction." A mist began to form underfoot. It seemed like the kind of fog one would find when near a large body of water, and for everyone in the group, it seemed to be of no matter. But at that moment, Luna would feel a sheer pain in the back of her head, as if someone had driven a needle deep inside. [i]Something connected to the mist.[/i] [/indent]