[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Car > Apartment Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [Color=99CC00]"Thirty sounds fine to me! Might need that time since I don't really know what to pack for a magical adventure into another world. W-w-Who knows what the weather will be like."[/color] He joked at Colby as he got out of his car. Matthew gave him a nod when he asked if he had a cooler. Luckily due to his anxiety and constant fretting, Matthew had bought a cooler a while back in the event the power ever went out or the fridge broke. He couldn't well afford to have all that go to waste so he kept a cooler in the storage room of his patio and always had a container of salt specifically to help keep the ice cold. He hadn't found any use for it yet so he was glad that it could help in this instance. As he entered his apartment however, he noticed quickly it had been turned around. Someone was looking for something and he hadn't the foggiest what. Matthew slowly made his was around the living space, making sure not to step on anything or smudge any potential footprints. There was a track of them, laced with mud that the intruder had treaded throughout. Great, as if it wasn't bad enough that they broke in, they also tracked mud . As he went about picking things up, placing them back and grabbing his suitcase to start packing, he noticed that nothing was actually taken. Everything was still in his apartment, ill be it not where it should be. Matthew snapped a few photos of the tracks, seeing if he could find the shoe print from whoever decided to pay him a visit. There was a pregnant pause before a long tired sigh escaped him. He simply made his way over towards the kitchen, bringing the cooler, and began dumping ice in as he salted each layer. Was Maleficent or her goodies already after them? Did they truly have no choice? And what were they looking for?