[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lovecraft/images/c/ce/New_York_City_%28Marvel_Comics%29.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20190922013655[/img][/center] [i]When half the Earth's population disappeared... the world went into crisis. We thought we had been through it all as a city. After the invasion years ago... we thought we could get through anything. Clean up whatever mess came our way. But that's not what happened. Our friends and family turned to ash in front of our very eyes. Suddenly, the world was without a protector. The Avengers were scattered around the world and the universe trying to find the one responsible for this. What was left of SHIELD was left a shell of what it used to be, and all we could do was try to pick up the pieces. Some people rose from the ashes and became stronger. People who wanted to help rebuild this city. Others just wanted to tear it down. And then some... well, some people people were just born for this kind of world. One where there weren't enough cops to keep the streets safe. One where riots and looting were a near daily occurrence. This is the story of New York City after the snap.[/i] Welcome to [b]Marvels: New York City[/b]. This is an 18+ Marvel AU inspired by one of my first RPs on the site started by [@TwilightShadow]. This RP is set in an alternate version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, beginning the day after "The Snap" in Avengers: Infinity War. With half the Earth's population wiped out in an instant, New York isn't anywhere close to as safe as it used to be. This is intended to be a street-level, sandbox RP following heroes and anti-heroes living in the aftermath of Infinity War. This RP is meant to actively support both independent writers and more cooperative writers alike, as both styles are encouraged in this RP. That being said, while there are some overarching plot threads behind the scenes, this RP is largely focused on the stories of individual characters. These characters may be either OCs, obscure Marvel heroes who have not been introduced in the MCU, or a combination of both. There is also the opportunity to play as "legacy" characters, which would be either OCs or canon legacies of Marvel heroes who would have both disappeared during "The Snap" and have a reason to be in New York City. For example, a Miles Morales Spider-Man would be right at home in this RP. Feel free to make and modify canon characters as you see fit to tell the story you want to tell. That being said, this is a [b]Street-level[/b] superhero RP about people just starting their careers as vigilantes in NYC. Keep power sets limited and reasonable. [b]No[/b] symbiote suits will be permitted in this RP. I've seen them used far too often in these sorts of RPs, and they have [i]never[/i] been played well.