Soul looked up to Penalopy with a small smile, [i]"I'm sure the others won't object to that. I'm sure Celebi would love to see Niccia again."[/i] He said with a kind smile, Mitch nodding in agreement. [i]"Annd we could find the beasts if we wanted to!"[/i] The Delibird added with a grin. Gavins' expression changed immediately at the mention of the Ultra-Beasts, he tensed and his eyes narrowed and glinted a soft purple. "It's a good idea not to." He started, "Not yet, of course. Both of them are still probably reeling from Darkrai's attempt of capturing Michael to get to her." He breathed from his chest as he thought, his eyes on the ground with an expression of worry and anger. "But I wouldn't be too surprised if Darkrai has swindled his way into getting the Ultra Beasts and even Necrozoma in on it. They dislike Arceus almost as much as him so it wouldn't be too hard of a task." Frosiiens' lips persed together into a small frown as Gavin spoke, she felt the air around her shimmer with a bit of frost as she held her temper together. The mention of the Devourer of Light and his Deadly Servants shook through her body, she didn't like the idea at all. Niccia smiled at Mindys' words. "I bet it's beautiful." She added before she started to talk about the day, before she changed the topic. "Ooh!" She started, "Come on!" She grabbed Mindys' arm to pull her along gently. "What kind of stuff do you think is in there?"