[@ERode][@TheMushroomLord] I mean, those things I don't mind and didn't really call out. Just no memories; just that. With Saito's martial arts moves, if he says that his instincts told him to, fine by me. If he says that he must've been an old human martial artist from another world, then that I'm not cool with. Same things with the other goblin, build traps, weapons, and whatnot, and just say that its goblin instincts/talent, and not memories from a past life, go for it. It just makes the character metagame-ish, but if they can stomach and tolerate that, go for it. If you want Hoi to make fire with sheer goblin talent and ingenuity, that's okay. But if you say that in his past life was a wild life survivalist and building fires was his thing, than nah. That's why your character's background didn't matter that much. Its a good FYI, but shouldn't influence anything at this point of the story. When I said memories were vague in the first OP, I meant nothing recall-able. Knowing that they were resurrected into something else, sure. Recalling specific details of your past, nah. If I haven't called you out via PM, that means you haven't done anything wrong.