[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/qbmkwD0.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Never a boring day.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Lucky Strike Casino[/sub][/center] [indent] Sin was definitely still a little riled up at the sound of having a new member just come in willy-nilly. She let out a sigh and prepared herself to move, it always took a second before she could start walking again, do not get her wrong she was thankful for the heal but she wished her leg did not feel so numb. She had Keisha help her for a few steps before what sounded like a gas canister hit the floor of the run-down casino. She heard at least two people yell to get down and since she could not really react, Keisha moved and made her off balance, making her fall on the floor. A light back thud at the cost of Quinn's eyes not having a terrible burning sensation, Quinn after seeing the smoke in the corner of her eye needed to think, and she knew Keisha was not going to hold out very long. Seconds later, Quinn could feel Keisha's pain, she did not want this last any longer so she de-summoned her, using Keisha's unsummoned energy to go to her leg. And just like that she could use her leg again. She started crawling away, she saw Elise grab someone amidst the smoke and she could not really tell who, but that was when the gas hit her, the stinging pain in her eyes caused her hands to curl up into a fist as she tried to fight through the pain. She held her breath and started weakly walking, she could barely see anything, her eyesight already was not the best and the gas was definitely not helping. She heard voices, it was the FBI? Well that whole redneck vampire thing must have attracted a lot of suspicion. At least two of us were out, and the other three that left to go do something else. She did not have enough time to summon another creature, especially one that is helpful in this situation, Heize could probably do some damage but not enough to save them... But maybe Kali, but all she has is a measly 10 minutes with the Kitsune, but that could be enough, Kitsunes are relatively immune to a lot of things and Kali could definitely get rid of some of the tear gas with her speed. This was all hypothetical, she did not have enough time to summon anyway, she needed to get clear if she wanted to use that plan. She was not going to lose the Coven, she would not admit it to them but she would absolutely die for them since they were generally good people just with different intentions. She slowly made her way to the back entrance, and it would appear Emily had the same idea, she knew both of them would not be able to get out just like that, she had another idea, she just needed to know who was going to get to the door first. Dammit Emily... If only they coordinated, but she could not voice her concern, the gas was eating her alive, it was either this or plan B. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]