[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The dissonant pair's journey down the steps terminated in a forboding door or blackened metal set into a frame that was rivetted to the wall. Paper talismans smothered the seams with script that was painful to focus upon. They radiated a soft light, but none more so then the shockingly simple 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging upon the door's handle. [color=cyan]"Pfft, like I'd let a sign stop me here."[/color] The bluenette scoffed, tossing it aside and yanking sharply upon the door. Paper tore with its characteristic ease and metal groaned in protest, but a second yank saw the door begin to swing outward- Then a fist struck the door from the [i]inside[/i] and sent Kanbaru bowling backwards to crash in a heap beside the more sedately approaching Caprice. Coming out of the sealed room was an [url=https://imgur.com/juQRE5H]incredibly short woman and her hulking demon.[/url] Said demon was cracking the knuckles of its hand, it's visage exuding a universal sense of relief to be freed while the woman remained rather severe with a book in one hand and the other raised towards the unfamiliar pair. "The last sharply dressed pair of outsiders robbed me of my school and my freedom. Unless you freed me out of the goodness of your hearts," And here both woman and demon rumbled with rueful laughter, "Then you best explain yourselves quickly. I have a student council to disband and precious little patience for obstacles to my revenge."