[h3]Roland[/h3][hr] Hearing hypothetical situation and threats being thrown left and right, Roland secretly realized that he had not made the time to properly read the contracts. On the plus side, however, he had seen new sides to his to-be party. The young sorceress, while lacking in confidence the other day, were pretty assertive today. Which is good, of course. Nobody wanted a pushover to lead their party. The spellblade too, was no simple fool. He had shown critical thinking and asked specifics not previously mentioned rather than blindly following whatever the leader told him to do. The smith as well, had begun to show interest in the content of the contract where yesterday he simply thought that everything would be fine. The tiefling.. Actually the tiefling was the one person that Roland still could not read. He was as silent today as he was yesterday. In any case, Roland had a good feeling for this expedition, and an ancient tomb of a king is too much a temptation to miss out on. "As harsh your punishment is, I think it is of equivalent weight to the compensation you have to offer," Roland chimed - trying to loosen up the situation a little bit. "I am in."