"Do you think that anyone would make such a challenge?" Solae inquired, barely able to contain her amusement. It was a serious matter, of course, but she had an abundance of confidence in Rene's ability to 'defend' her against would-be suitors. The last few weeks had certainly proved his prowess in battle. Although he was reluctant to engage in melee, even when the risks were minimal, he was quick on his feet, perceptive, and able to move quickly in the flow of movement without getting snagged on unimportant details. Aristocracy seemed to place an inordinate amount of focus on conquering, but the duchess believed that Rene embodied a more noble vein of warriors, those who defended. Not every man that picked up a pistol or sword truly respected what it meant to take a life and acted themselves accordingly. Some were reckless, some were cruel, some were arrogant, and some were cowards; it was rare that they honored life without disgracing it or becoming a perverted vision of humanity's inherent brutality. The linguist only wished she could impart to her lover how he shone in her eyes. "Whether they do or do not, he should carry a sword, or the others will view you as... unattached," Kel’shaiel said, trying to be delicate with her explanation. Not bearing a simple ceremonial weapon would give the unspoken message that the emissary's partner was not staking a claim on her. Under ordinary circumstances, this would invite interest, as any male could try to become her mate with less contest. "Has there ever been a union between a Kalderi and a human?" Solae asked curiously, now somewhat intrigued. The Syshin were not compatible with humanity, and although the Kalderi had many physical differences, that did not mean the future co-mingling of their species would follow the same path. She certainly wasn't volunteering to test compatibility herself, but she couldn't help but wonder if such a thing was a possibility. This was their first encounter with aliens besides the Syshin. "There has not," asserted Kel'shaiel with certainty, "but most who will come tonight have not met one of your kind before," she added tactfully. It was the kindest way of saying that she could a novel source of intrigue. The Stellar Empire traded with the Kalderi, but the mercenaries met a select few traders, ones that did not represent the entirety of a culture. Tonight's attendants were to be individuals that came from a wide variety of roles, not just merchants, and as such their personalities wildly diverged. She would be lying if she claimed she knew factually that none would seize the unique opportunity to see if they were capable of taking the high-bred lady that bravely strode into their courts. It was unlikely, but implausible. Yarue and Dasin were horrified and disgusted, the former more than the latter. "Duchess Solae is not a thing to be fought for. She must agree to her mate," Yarue declared firmly. Syshin were born in pairs, ruled by a pair, and deeply devoted to an ideal of community cooperation. Stealing was a serious crime in their society, and coercion was an even greater sin. There was a twisted irony that a race who built their entire civilization around mutual agreement might be forced into slavery. Certain depraved individuals, like Mistress Thorne, delighted in knowing they could victimize their 'pets' into becoming something that had no agency whatsoever, who was prey to the worst atrocity they could have imagined. "The Syshin value consent above all," Solae told Kel’shaiel quietly. "If a female objects to the courtship of a male, she can refuse him, and he can be exiled if he does not honor her request," she elaborated. Humanity was not so different in spirit, but there were a great many that lacked virtue, and found many ways to break laws, exploit loopholes, bribe, blackmail, or manipulate to compel the object of desire to obey. Syshin were much more strict. If all allegation of coercion could be substantiated, the Syshin in question would either spend considerable time seeking atonement, leave for another settlement, or be left one their own, which was seen as worse than death. Whether it was nature or nurture that was responsible, they did not fare well in isolation. "No harm will come to the duchess," Kel’shaiel assured. "It is more of a ritual to impress, and the Kalderi at the ball will understand her customs are different." This answer did not completely placate Yarue or appease Dasin, but they did not look quite as incensed as the moment before. Before they had been reluctant to attend the dance, but now they were a little more suspicious, and perhaps slightly worried. "Are we the first foreigners to be in your court?" Solae asked, desperate to change to topic to something that was less likely to offend Yarue. She sincerely believed she would not be mistreated by the Kalderi, but she knew only time and experience would convince him of the same. "No," Kel’shaiel confessed reluctantly. "There are beings besides humans, Syshin, and our people in the universe, but it is not my place to tell you of them. When they are ready for you to know, you will know of them. Come, I will show you where the ball will be held so it will not be so unfamiliar to you," she encouraged them. Solae stole an exchanged glance of surprise with Rene. When she had posed the question she had expected to hear either no one had been before or it had been a long time ago, but not that there was another mystery of the cosmos, something even more elusive than the Kalderi. To have gone undetected for this long meant they were exceptionally advanced in their technology, surpassing anything that had been seen thus far, that they resided past where imperial ships had explored, or a combination of both. Tantalizing though the mystery was, Kel’shaiel had made it clear she would not be divulging any more details, so she tried to center her thoughts on the event ahead of her.