[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200318/a6192f2b7a7762656a2b6932b4424715.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/44771c674d5d5478f6caae1b7f6efb84/tumblr_p3t1y92uPC1wiyti5o4_250.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] She tried not to grin. She really did. She gave it everything she had, but it just wasn’t enough. Watching AJ crumple to the pavement, hands cradling the future of the Tyler family. She couldn’t help the amusement that threatened to spill over, as Val made a mad dash for some sort of escape, only to be chased after and restrained by Sami. Welp, that hadn't lasted long. Somehow, as Katie surveyed the carnage, she wasn't that surprised. Aleks headed over to AJ, presumably to make sure he hadn’t just been completely sterilized. She watched the Russian boy walk off, for longer than was probably necessary. The accent, the charisma, the fucking jaw line. There was a lot that Aleks had going for him, and Katie hadn’t failed to take notice. She’d feel guilty about that, once she had the chance to imagine Carter’s reaction. For now though, her eyes lingered on Aleks, and she watched as Chloe came over, and ran her hands through his hair. Smirking, she turned away, catching sight of Ava and Reyna laughing as Leon headed towards the RV, still shirtless. She took the sight of Chloe and Aleks for what it truly was, a sign from God that she was acting like a dumb whore, and pushed it from her mind. She was getting really good at that. No doubt she’d be much better by the time this trip was over. [color=980404][b]“Save me a spot on that bus, Christopher,”[/b][/color] she said to Chris, patting him on the shoulder as she headed over towards Ava and Reyna. She was unaware that Chris’ full name wasn’t Christopher, and she didn’t particularly care. She just thought that things seemed more important when you used a three syllable name at the end. Strolling up to the girls that were perhaps her closest friends here, Katie waved, before tilting her head over towards Val and Sami. [color=980404][b]“So, uh, remind me to thank Val for making my arrival seem boring,”[/b][/color] she said, laughing at her own joke.