[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBhMGY0Yy5VM0JoWTJWM1lXeHJaWEksLjAA/pandora-limiter.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][@Amethyst][/center] Tom and Angelica left the apartment together a couple of minutes after Brie and Patricia left, as they were finding out where exactly the Bateman Turnpike was - as neither of them knew. But the internet was their friend, and they had looked it up. Tom had offered to fly them both there, but Angelina had smartly pointed that someone could see them floating down and report this up the chain and the whole operation would be bust. So they elected for the much safer public transport. But the Turnpike, as it turned out, was a complete bust. There weren't really any clues about what had transpired, either outside or in the establishments there. A coffee shop at the turnpike had dredged up the only thing that could potentially have been a clue - a small scratch on the floor. But Angelica noted that this scratch could have been made by anything. To avoid suspicion Tom had bought them both a coffee before they had left, so their reasons for being there looked innocent enough. The journey back was sullied by the disappointing lack of finds, and both parties complained about this. Tom attempted to brighten the mood by making fun of her and Blake's relationship, but this only lead to Angelica using her powers and Tom swiftly covering up his eyes to prevent whatever it was that she was going to turn into before him. Tom didn't mention Blake again after that, so they continued to mutually sulk about how unsuccessful their detective work had been. When they had arrived back in the main part of town, Tom whipped out his burner phone and texted Brie on it. [color=SteelBlue]”Turnpike was a letdown, found absolutely nothing. Hope you had better luck on your end. Heading to Club 21 now.”[/color] Another couple of buses later, and the two had reached the club, standing outside and waiting for the others. [@Danvers] [@canaryrose]