Uh WIP on the appearance end (still need to draw them) and there's probably something in there that could be better but I'm checking in. [s]It's also like 1 AM and I spent most of the day job searching lmao.[/s] I left some of his home/mental situation vague because of the sensitivity of the topic - if either of you want me to PM his home situation with more details I am glad to. Anyhow, meet Shan! He wants out of this already. [hider=Shan][color=yellowgreen] [b]Name[/b]: Shan Malik [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Crest[/b]: Knowledge [b]Appearance[/b]: [image currently unavailable.] Gawky, tall, with vacant eyes and an apologetic smile, Shan has the aura of someone who has realized they are not in the right place and in desperate need of an escape. His hair, straight in texture and a darker brown than his skin, is meticulously parted to the side each morning, and by the end of it there are inevitably loose strands in his face - the hair even seems to collapse despise the gel he uses. His features are angular and thin, and the lower half of his face is rough to the touch with stubble. While he is prescribed glasses, he rarely remembers them, and as a result, tends to stand too close to things. [b]Bio[/b]: It's a tale as old as modern western schooling. The gifted kid. Bright eyed, curious, talented. Probably has some undiagnosed neurological disorder. Impresses every adult in the vincinity with how smart they are for their age. Blazes through elementary and middle school without breaking a sweat. The kid has pretty much based their entire identity around this - or rather, the adults around them have created this image that the kid now wears with pride. Then high school rolls around, and they get put in a 'gifted' program. Suddenly, they're no longer the smartest kid in class, and perhaps that begins to chip away at their confidence. Or maybe school is actually challenging now, and having to actually pay attention and work hard for once starts to kick them in the ass. Maybe their brain chemicals go out of whack and now it's mental illness they have to deal with. Maybe home becomes more tense as the gifted kid suddenly becomes less and less of a thing as the child's grades begin to dwindle. Maybe it's a combination of all of the above. Maybe there's some more, unnamed stuff chipping away at their souls. Regardless, the image that was once so finely sculpted for them in their younger years begins to fall apart. Slowly, the kid begins to break down. Burn out. This is the story of many children, and it is the story of our 'hero', Shan. While he has avoided total grade destruction, the little bit of energy he does use is all expended on simply keeping his grades from self destructing, lest he face the wrath of his very strict, very hopeful parents. Parents whom constantly remind him of everything they had sacrificed to ensure a proper future for their children - having left behind their homeland and family for a better life in the west. Once very prideful and spirited, Shan is a simple, dopey, quiet man, bottling up a dozen problems and letting them go with various unhealthy coping habits he hides. He lives in utter fear of his family (beyond just grades, religious and cultural tensions are high and more than just unwelcoming for a troubled child, much less a queer one with suicidal ideation) and without direction or purpose, simply trying to survive school without much thought of what comes after it. He has few passions and fewer friends.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Sweetie] [color=forestgreen] [b]Name[/b]: Sweetie [b]Personality[/b]: Sweetie, as Shan often refers to them as, is something of a reflection of Shan's former self. That bright eyed, bubbly, curious, happy child he once was, with pride and passion and absolutely no sense of boundries or tact? Other than the obvious physical differences, it was like looking in a mirror to the past. Instead of sharing these passions, Shan typically tries to quiet them down. Stage- Baby [b]Species[/b]: Yuramon [b]Attribute[/b]: Data Technique- 1: Bubble Blow: Spits out adhesive bubbles to hinder the opponent's movement, then seizes the opportunity to escape. Stage- In-Training [b]Species[/b]: Tanemon [b]Attribute[/b]: Data Technique- 1: Frothy Spit: Shoots slightly acidic bubbles from its mouth. Stage- Rookie [b]Species[/b]: Floramon [b]Attribute[/b]: Data Technique- 1: Rain of Pollen: Spreads allergenic pollen from its hands that causes the enemy to lose the will of fight. 2: Poison Ivy: Entangles the opponent in ivy laced with a powerful toxin, completely paralyzing them Stage- Champion [b]Species[/b]: Sunflowmon [b]Attribute[/b]: Data Technique- 1: Sunshine Beam: Fires rays of sunlight from all of its petals. 2: Smiley Slap: Slaps the opponent in their face with a smile on its face. 3: Cactus Tail: Waves its tail-like stalk, firing off its thorns. Stage- Ultimate [b]Species[/b]: Blossomon [b]Attribute[/b]: Technique- 1:Spiral Flower: Hurls the tiny flowers growing from its vine tips like they were shuriken. These flower petals can cut through anything, no matter how hard it is. 2:Pollinosis Shower: Sprays foe with poisonous pollen. 3:Thorn Whip: Lashes out at the enemy with its thorny vines, or swings its vines to spread pollen. Stage- Mega [b]Species[/b]: Rosemon [b]Attribute[/b]: Technique- 1:Ivy Hug: Entangles the opponent in vines. 2:Rosy Cradle: Summons a storm of sleep-inducing rose petals 3:Thorn Whipping: Attack with a high-voltage whip. it can either enslave a Digimon as its devoted servant or electrocute them. (If too OP - Fascination: Enthralls an opponent and steals its life-force.)[/color] [/hider]