Cleo remained quiet and unreadable behind his helm as the Hutt explained his plan. He obviously hadn't seen Leyla's look to quell the Hutt, and good thing or else it might have distracted him (or worse, made him think she might betray him to Bogga for a pricec if the hutt gave her better prospects). As it stood, Cleo raised his head as Bogga's last pronouncement, unable to keep him from going "what?" at the crimelord. "Bogga...our contract was for me to bring you this shipment, and to grab any other shipment you deemed necessary." He explained, speaking slow so as to not start any misunderstanding. A Hutt never liked being denied. He had to quell the urge to look around to make sure there were still four exits to the room. "I never signed up to hit any Casino ships, nor am I prepared to do so. You have your shipment. Hand me and my partner our money, and we'll walk." "No, you did not sign up for it, but it will be worth your while." Bogga rumbled, the translation droid reiterating every word of his aloud for Leyla's sake. "As it stands, I need a freelancer to do this. Jabba knows all of my immediate underlings and their ships, but you work sparingly enough to go under his radar. Do this for me, and you'll receive ten times the payment you received for today's shipment, and I will owe you a Hutt's favor." Cleo weighed his options, his initial reaction still a no but the prospect of such an insane payment seducing him every few moments. So as to humor him, Cleo asked. "And what would I be retrieving?" Bogga laughed, waving his bulbous limps about when he said. "There is a chip in the ship's vault that controls all of Jabba's banking codes. One of his higher ups defected to me and leaked the whereabouts of this priceless item. You're to bring it to me, and you will receive your prize. Is this acceptable, Captain?" The words froze on the Iridonian's lips. He knew this was suicide, or close to it. He looked over his shoulder at Leyla to gauge her reaction. [@Penny]