[hider=Alan] [hr] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6b3973eb-799f-4799-b81b-bb9da45511a4/d84c5xr-333e2405-d0c8-440b-82ce-dfb30f614de7.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNmIzOTczZWItNzk5Zi00Nzk5LWI4MWItYmI5ZGE0NTUxMWE0XC9kODRjNXhyLTMzM2UyNDA1LWQwYzgtNDQwYi04MmNlLWRmYjMwZjYxNGRlNy5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.v1phqzbnte6uqZKxwb1oTRnYGwJxiii5VqUemObPHC8[/img][/center] [hr] Name: Alan Disney Age: 15 Sex: male Physical Description: Height: 5'8 Weight: 145 lbs Hair color: black Eye color: hazel Tattoo / Scars: none Alan likes to dress in black shirts and red shorts with yellow sneakers when he's in casual clothing. GIFT : Ink Constructs: Alan's power allows him to create constructs made of hardening ink. These constructs can vary in size and take the form of animated-like objects. The constructs are as hard as glass and he can create multiples of them depending on the size. This quirk gives Alan a variety of options at offense and defense. Gift Limitations: Despite his power's versatility, the constructs can be broken easily thanks to them having the durability of glass and the ink draws from the water in his body when created, which can cause him dehydration if used to excessively. At the moment Alan can only make one construct when making it have the max size of a sports car. When a construct is the size of a human he can create three and the smaller they get the more he can create. Skills: Alan is very talented at drawing and sketching. He is an extremely good cartoonist for someone his age and has a sense for shapes and motion. He is also a pretty decent writer and is studying in the arts and creative writing. Brief History : As his surname implies, Alan was born into the Disney family and a distant cousin to the legendary founder of the Disney company, Walt Disney. His parents weren't super rich, but they had enough money to be upper middle class. His mother was a painter and his father was a writer. For as long as he could remember Alan was crazy about two things, animation and superheroes. His mom told him that his first words were Mickey when he was given a Mickey Mouse plushy as an infant. As a kid Alan watched all of the Disney classics and many old cartoons that his dad had collected over the years. When it came to superheroes he had big interest in basically all of them and marveled at the great feats and tasks that accomplished. One of his best memories was when his parents took him on a tour the Disney Studios while on their vacation trip to Southern California. Alan was amazed by the studio and wanted to see everything he could. He had dreams of becoming an animator when he grew up and he followed the Disney belief that dreams can come true. His life however took a change for the more fantastical when he was thirteen, his metahuman powers manifested and he realized that he had the power to create constructs made of hardened ink. After his initial shock Alan realized that he could use his powers to become a superhero. He'd be both an animator and then a superhero in his spare time. After spending about a year of using his powers here and there for some hero work, Alan was contacted by the young superhero group known as the Teen Titans South. This was the chance he was looking for to be able to become a more legit hero and he wasn't going to let it slip by.[/hider]