"No it's... I'm just not sure if he's really still here. I don't... I don't know if he's [i]still[/i] here. I can't imagine he'll be anywhere else but..." Pylia took a deep breath, letting out an equally deep sigh. "I can't hesitate again. All my problems start because I hesitate, get scared, and run away. Let's go." Pylia walks into the shop, Buddy following up behind. Inside of the shop were various finely crafted stone, marble, and clay things. Pots, plates, statues, all sorts of things, delicately displayed on tables and stands. The room itself was illuminated with glass lanterns that hung from the ceiling, providing much more light that other buildings you've been in so far. A old balding man behind turns to the group and welcomes you all. "Hello, welcome to my store. Is there something you're looking for?" Pylia approaches the man and tries her best to remain calm. "I... I'm looking for Johnathan. My name is Pylia, I'm an old friend of his." The old man raises his eyebrow, looking at her than the rest of the others. Then he looks back at Pylia. "He's not here right now. He doesn't work today, so I'm sure he's somewhere else in the city." Pylia seemed shocked to hear this, but then her shock turned to sadness. "I... I see. Thank you then." Pylia quickly turned around and walked back towards the others without any more fuss.