Victoria was taken aback by how passionate Vail returned her delicate kiss. He must of really missed her and was scared he was going to lose her. She beamed back when he reminded her that he loved her back. It was good to know she wasn’t just a temporary infatuation. As he pointed out her changes, she looked herself up and down. Her body hadn’t changed much. As he caressed her cheek, she closed her eyes softly for a moment and nuzzled against his hand, which no longer felt colder than her. He told her that her eyes were like amethysts and beautiful. She blushed slightly. He seemed more mesmerised by her now, which she found flattering. “I like amethyst.” She smiled. But she really wanted to see them for herself. Alas, she could not, for her reflection was all bust lost. She could only take other people’s word for it. Perhaps she could ask for a painting of herself. She could also hear Diana shuffle about. She looked up and around, adjusting to her heightened senses. She felt like she was going to enjoy immortality and her other new gifts. She heard Diana move even quicker as Vail asked for water. She then turned back to him and threw both arms around him in a tight embrace. “I can’t believe it worked.” She gasped. “I’m like you now…” She slowly let go of her lover and gazed at him with her purple orbs. “Do you think we can be together now? Without hiding it?” She asked. Then thinking to his family’s disapproval in the past, she wondered what had happened whilst she was asleep. “H-how are your parents and family? Did they…make it out alright?” She wondered if Peter and Katherine would accept her into their clan as one of their own now that Vail had turned her. Diana burst in with a jug of water and a cup. “My darling! You’re awake!” She sobbed with joy. She set the items down on the table and rushed over to embrace her daughter so tightly it almost crushed Victoria’s frail state. “Thank the Heavens….” “Mother!” Victoria was so happy to see her unharmed. As Diana let go, she noticed her beautiful gem like eyes. “Being a vampire…becomes you.” She admitted and brushed a couple of brunette strands behind her ears. Although her hair was longer, thicker, glossier and somehow more golden as if the sun itself had kissed it. “Beautiful as always.” She turned to Vail. “Thank you for bringing her back to me. And you both have my blessing should you wish to get married.” She suddenly suggested as Victoria raised her eyebrows. “Thank you, mother.” Victoria replied as Diana poured her some water into the china cup and handed it to her. Victoria took a large gulp as if her throat was so dry. It quenched her thirst for now and she handed the cup back to Diana. “How about the Saints? Did they survive? Are they here? What about Ray and Gerald?” She worried.