[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ams9Cj1.png[/img] [@AtomicNut][@Ariamis][@PlatinumSkink][@BrokenPromise][/center] Despite the boost in speed he was too far behind to intercept before anything happened. Arriving just in time to see the interaction between Cindy and Ishtar he cursed under his breath. He had hoped he would have had at least a little time before it came to blows. Then again if you wanted to kill your enemy it was best not to waste time and give them a chance to react. [sub][color=lightblue]"Stupid woman."[/color][/sub] He hurried to Cindy's side and went right into explaining what he found out. [color=lightblue]"Cindy, the assassin wasn't Beacon. She wasn't even a magical girl. Someone ELSE set this up so you would attack Ishtar."[/color] The Beacon forces had arrived by this point which was just a hair too late as their Cardinal was laying on the ground and others were already on the attack. [color=lightblue]"Hold on guys! Ugh."[/color] Oh lovely, and there went Reaver with murderous intent. This was going to go much worse than he intended. Scanning forces that had just arrived there were just the three, which was probably a good thing... maybe? He did identify two in particular. There was still a chance things could be reigned in before an all out war would start. It was probably just delaying things though. [color=lightblue]"You!"[/color] He got the attention of one of the Beacon girls and pointed to his head. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Pqt7488.png[/img][/center] Upon arriving and identifying Ishtar's location, the first thing the twins would do is raise up bubble barrier to defend the Cardinal and cast a healing spell. They hadn't had much time to prepare a plan other than to briefly instruct Raven on one matter. Her not being a member of Beacon and effectively only just being reincarnated, mostly, they didn't want her directly in the conflict. This mess was theirs to clean up. Sylvia had returned fire immediately. Making a quick mental sweep of the area they wanted to identify as many potential targets as possible. Obviously there were the six right there in front of them, but there could be others on the periphery. There was Cindy of course, her intent to kill Ishtar clear enough on her mind; an older looking boy that had defends, which made sense as Third Eye identified another Reinforcement user; a small girl that... [color=lightblue]"You!"[/color] Janet focused on the boy as Jenna continued. The other boy with Cindy pointed Janet out and pointed to his head. It took a second to realize his intent but the boy had left his thoughts out in the open. The plot sounded familiar, it was the same that Justine used all that time back. Admittedly Beacon did not exactly make it hard to convince dark and monster girls to attack them. [u]Broadcasting the details that Shane shared about the assassin to all present[/u], Janet raised a barrier to block the ink Lotus launched at them. The illusion may trick some senses, but they could keep track of the minds in the area. Easily outnumbered three to six, fighting their way out would be difficult. It also would be less than productive. At this point they were also having to be completely reactionary. Sylvia was being attacked by two opponents. And apparently as Reaver charged in he went full on monstrous. [color=khaki]"Jenna."[/color] Casting a cylindrical barrier around Sylvia, Janet expanded it to loose Lotus' grip. [color=plum]"On it!"[/color] Glancing at Lotus for a moment she opted not to attack the monster girl and went after Reaver. A truely monstrous individual was a difficult one to deal with. They didn't rationalize, merely driven by sheer focus on whatever they set their mind on. Jenna knew because she'd been one. Bolstering herself with her Reinforcement magic she met Reaver with intent to keep him from tearing apart Sylvia while she was bound. Jenna was pretty sure she could match him, but ferocity was hard to predict. Hopefully informing everyone that the assassin hadn't been Beacon would give everyone else pause to any more hasty moves. Ishtar was protected for the moment and should be healing from the spell. It was hard to say how long it might take for recovery. Janet may have tried to free her friend from the monster girl's clutches, but there were still the others to contend with. Options were limited, and the longer it was drawn out the more likely someone else would show up and all hell breaking lose. A majority of Beacon's heavy hitters were also occupied with the rave as well. Dismissing her weapon Janet stepped forward. There was a chance that she was about to take a bolt to the face, but she made sure to keep herself between Cindy and Ishtar. [color=khaki]"It is an honor to formally meet you, Cindy Ford. Please be on your guard, as it appears that a third party deliberately seeks to pit us against one another. I've little doubt they watch in anticipation as you carry out their bidding."[/color] From all accounts Cindy was exceedingly prideful and did not take orders or advice very well. Putting into question who directed her actions was a calculated gamble. [color=khaki]"Not that I can blame you. My patron has done little to foster good will between us. I cannot speak for all, but as a former monster girl myself I seek to bridge that gap. The Penrose chapter shows great promise in paving the way for change, and the Cardinal is our best chance at presenting that change to Beacon abroad. The attack against you today was a ruse, but your grievances with Beacon are not. You want to protect your own, as do I. Please consider showing a strength and leadership that many of my sisters have forgot. Not one by force, but by mercy."[/color]