[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200427/480e9296e0139615383edbbe998f6ff1.png[/img][/center] [Color=7CAD58]Time:[/color] Sunset [Color=7CAD58]Location:[/color] Ember Grove University [Color=7CAD58]Interaction:[/color] [@Milkman] Finn [Color=7CAD58]Mention:[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Alexander [Color=7CAD58]Vibes:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaPysMNG94Q]Queen || Loren Gray[/url] [hr] A woman with soft curly red hair that fell just above her shoulders stepped out of a [url=https://cdn.carbuzz.com/gallery-images/840x560/251000/0/251031.jpg]Mercedes-AMG GT[/url] that was parked out front of the university. She was [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b3/dd/30/b3dd30a101c11fe5aa14e5314fdb6d56.jpg]derssed to the nines[/url] and anyone that saw her could tell that she came from money. Little did they know that she came from very old money that had been built up for nearly 2000 years. There was some obvious pride in this fact as she swaggered up the steps towards the art exhibition. Maeve Brannigan had been looking forward to this event since it had been announced, having wanted to buy a new piece of art soon. She’d purchased one of Alexander Drake’s pieces in the past and wanted to jump on the opportunity to acquire one more as rumor had it this would be his last exhibition. She got a few cat calls from a group of college boys and couldn’t help the smirk that crossed her face. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy turning heads on occasions. She entered the event and glanced around the room at all the mix of people there, finding it intriguing at who showed up to these things anymore. There was the younger crowd that seemed to not care as much at what they wore, but she commended them for showing an interest in art. Then there was the older crowd that were dressed up much like her. She seemed to be the perfect mixture as she didn’t look much older than the college students, but was dressed in a rather classy fashion. She made her way over to the refreshments, wanting a glass of wine before she explored the different art pieces. As she did so her eyes landed on Alexander Drake himself and she took note of his cronies obviously keeping an eye on someone in particular. She took a sip of the wine as she followed their gaze to a young man who was obviously out of place. He’d obviously just offended some gentleman by wearing his sunglasses. She watched him for a moment longer as he now called out to someone. She shook her head at him as she slowly sauntered over to him. [color=7cad58]”Careful there, you’re attracting attention of someone you may not want to attract.”[/color] She spoke up as she stopped beside him, Irish accent apparent. She nodded towards Drake’s men briefly before glancing over at the young man and taking a sip of the wine again.