[Center][H1][color=purple]ℂ 𝕝 𝕒 𝕣 𝕚 𝕔 𝕖 𝕄 𝕖 𝕚 𝕥 𝕟 𝕖 𝕣[/color][/h1][/center] [Center][h2]Time: Sunset[/h2][/center] [Center][h3]Location: The University Café [/h3][/center] [center]Mentions: [@Pink Khione] [/center] As the sun cast it's last rays over the world Clarice sat with her hands on the faded black steering wheel of her green 2001 Saturn and arched her back, stretching slightly, getting her tense muscles to relax. She had changed out of her work clothes and into her normal attire of jeans and a plaid button up, but she could still feel the weight of work hanging over her. The orange and red display from the west was slowly disappearing so Clarice took a moment to enjoy the display. It helped a little. Today had been a long day at work, not much research to be done today, mostly making copies and editing dissertations on some of the studies going on at the lab. It was tedious at its very worst, but Clarice hated tedious, unimportant work. She sighed deeply, she couldn't be too mad, she had literally asked for this. Clarice had been an intern at the main Cosmos lab in New York, doing important research and study, unlocking the mysteries of magic. She had also been under the thumb of her mother and not had a single inch of space for herself. So, even if the work was tedious or seemed unimportant, she would stick to it until she could run her own experiments at the Lab. Clarice could hardly wait for that day to come. Clarice came into Ember grove, cruising down Danver drive, she came to a stop at the red light that separated the residential area, Clarice's home, from the University. She stared at the university and when the light turned green she put down the gas and made her turn, but instead of taking a left and heading to the apartment she was sharing with her sister to turn in for the evening, as her body was crying out for her to do, she made a right turn towards the University. It was a Friday and she was a twenty four, she was going to do something other than go to work and then go home to sleep, goddammit. That was the whole thing her sister Christy was trying to get her to do right? Experience something other that work and school for once, get out there and experience life. Clarice wanted to, she really did, but first she needed some good 'ol fashioned bean juice. Clarice turned into a parking space of the University Cafe and rocked herself out of the old beat up Saturn. Clarice enjoyed this spot because, while it's coffee may be a bit overpriced, it had a really nice atmosphere and it was only a ten minute drive from her apartment. She opened the doors and walked to the counter, where she made an order with a nice looking barista with a name tag that read 'Sarah' for a Red Eye coffee with a double shot of espresso. If she was going to be up, she might as well be up for a while. While she waited for her coffee to be made she leaned against the pickup counter and looked around for a place to sit. Most everywhere was taken up by groups, but there was a table that had only one occupant. Her white hair was framed perfectly around her face. She seemed to be sipping some coffee while her grey eyes wandered the pages of a book. Clarice didn't realize that she was staring until the barista tapped her arm and handed her the coffee she had ordered. [i][color=purple]Meet new people... easy right?[/color][/i] Clarice began in the direction of the woman and watched as she turned the page, looking like she just stepped out of a movie. [i][color=purple]Shit, not when they look like that![/color][/i] She steeled her nerves and continued to approach the table. The short walk felt much longer because of the nerves, but she made it there nonetheless. [color=purple]"I apologize for interrupting, but would you mind if I sat here?"[/color] The even tone of her voice belied the nervousness she felt inside as she asked this beautiful woman to sit.