[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] The Galley -> The Hallway [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b] Drug Knowledge [hr][/center] As Zarina continued to poke and prod the woman - or, apparently, robot - in her invasive investigation, Cal began to slowly inch towards her. She was still filled with horror, her eyebrows furrowed, her lips parted and in a small frown, and her heart hammering away inside her chest. As she moved, she did her best to keep her gaze away from the green, gooey humanoid figure on the ground. But as she finally arrived behind Zarina, she shot a glance down at the scene and immediately regretted it. Emerald sludge everywhere; on the girl's hands, all over the robot's body, on the ground around them both. Cal felt herself gag once again, but luckily she was distracted by Tessa's words. [color=darkgray]"Bloody brilliant idea, mate,"[/color] she exclaimed, quickly walking over to the machine, pushing in front of Tessa once she was done. Her fingers, visibly shaking, glided across the touch screen. As she made her way to her destination, the alcohol section, she paused, instead clicking for a moment on the medicinal drugs section. She looked at it for a moment, gazing at all the different kinds, a number of which she recognized. She wasn't sure exactly what brought her to this section, but her distinct lack of a desire to take any of the drugs relieved her. It didn't appear as though she was an addict, so that meant a point for the part of her arguing that she was a pharmacist. It wasn't enough to calm her, however. For that, she'd need alcohol. She backed out of the drug section, proceeding to the alcohol section. Once there, she tapped the first drink she saw, absinthe. Once it was dispensed, she pulled it out, readying herself to slam it back. But before she could, she looked inside, and the green liquid inside brought the image of the green blood back to the front of her mind, and queasiness back into her stomach. She shook her head, reaching over to put it on the table. She couldn't bring herself to drink it. So instead, she tapped on the next icon, bourbon. As soon as it plopped out, she chugged it down, the tingling warmth spreading throughout her chest, soothing her beating heart. She let out a sigh. It wasn't long after that that Kyle came in, suggesting they follow him. Many did, but Cal didn't, not at first. As others left the room, she dispensed another cup of bourbon, downing the bitter drink as quickly as she had the first. She dropped both cups to the floor, looking back over at Zarina, who'd just asked a question. [color=darkgray]"Dunno, but it defo cannot be more horrifying than Barbie Terminator here,"[/color] she said, gesturing towards the metal woman, before finally beginning towards the exit, grabbing up Vincent the Pill Bottle as she passed. She remembered Terminator being a movie about a robot, though that was all; she didn't remember what it was about, or who was in it. She steered clear of Zarina and her android lady. She'd need more than a couple of drinks to want to get close to that grizzly scene. As she passed them, though, Cal caught a glance of the jaw in Zarina's hand. Her face contorted into a disgusted expression. [color=darkgray]"You're not actually keeping that, are you? It's a jaw. What do you plan on doin' with a jaw?"[/color] she asked, though it seemed to be rhetorical, as she exited the room immediately after asking, following after the others.