[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/thU5NC6.png[/img] [/center] [color=8882be]Time:[/color] +1:45 [color=8882be]Location:[/color] Galley & Atrium [hr] [center][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Morose][@Framing A Moose][/center] [hr][hr] Before them, where Kyle pointed up at, there was a giant heavily reinforced window. It revealed to those who had followed Kyle not just any sky, but one looking down on a [url=https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/69553322274475.5630f94a642f7.jpg]planet[/url]. [color=f69602]"I don't recognize it. That isn't Earth."[/color] Kyle said, his voice was tight. Noah was biting his lip looking around the room and window structure. He looked back down the hall, thinking. [hr] In the galley, a small square white bot came out of a hole that appeared in the wall near the floor. It went over to the vomit and sprayed water on it and then did a few passes until the vomit was gone. It then repeated the process with the cups of bourbon that Cal had dropped. The small robot then started toward the robot's body and started trying to clean up the green fluid that was all over the ground. [color=7e5625]"I think Kyle found something interesting down the hall passed our bedrooms. He looked like he was tracking where she came from."[/color] Gordon said to Zarina, he held his cup of coffee tightly. He was glancing occasionally at the body on the ground. He did give Cal a disapproving stare when she went for the second drink. He didn't blame her for the first, but was the second really necessary? [color=7e5625]"I don't think we are in a T.V. show. Want to see what they found?"[/color] He stood up, still holding the cup of coffee, and watched the small white robot try to clean up the mess around Zarina and the body. [color=7e5625]"Maybe there are clues as to what's going on. I think most everyone missed your assessment of the, I suppose android is a more appropriate term."[/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/W2P56Ad.png[/img] [I][color=#45adad]Location:[/color] Galley -> Atrium [color=#45adad]Skill:[/color] N/A [hr][hr][/I][/center] Luke, having kept his eyes from the body very carefully made his way from the Galley after the others to the Atrium. He had seen the woman and knew that she was oozing green fluid rather than red blood, but there was something that still set him on edge about the look of it. It was too real. If this was some T.V. show they could go to hell. There was no way he signed up for this. Walking back down the hall Luke made note that each room had the plaque with a number in front of it. There were twelve rooms, but there had only been eleven of them at the meal. He guessed that the dead girl should have been in the twelfth room, supposedly the room that no one else in the group belonged to. His eye caught a couple of green droplets on the ground. That must have been what Kyle had followed from the Galley. Luke wondered why Kyle had even thought to do that. He wouldn't have. Maybe if he had noticed it, but certainly not as a first idea. So who what Kyle? Who were the rest of the people? Who was the dead girl even? He stepped into the Atrium and looked at where Kyle was pointing. He let out a low whistle. Luke looked at the blanket that Sophia had picked up. [color=#45adad]"Which room was she in? Maybe there is a clue in there?"[/color] He knew he couldn't be the only one thinking that the dead robot girl might not be the only one who was a robot. Luke also knew he was only assuming that the girl had been in a room. The blanket and clothing matched his own, so it was likely. [color=02f696]"Wait, Sophia, you said space robot zombie. Before we saw this. How did you know?"[/color] Manny turned to ask Sophia. Luke had tensed, half expecting the man to ask everyone to cut open their hands and prove they bled red. Some of that tension released when Manny instead questioned Sophia. It was a good question. [color=7e5625]"What do you mean space? How do you even know that is real?"[/color] Tessa asked, she was started running toward the window but paused for a moment as she passed one of the redwood trees. She reached out and touched the trunk. Luke was certain for a second that he thought she was crying, but she turned from the tree and continued forward to the window where she put her hand on it. [color=7e5625]"It is cool, uh, to the touch I mean."[/color]