[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CkHZy6X.png[/img] [sub][@Ariamis][@BrokenPromise][@PlatinumSkink][/sub][/center] Hah. She was alive. Hahaha. She was alive and well! Before, Amaryllis could only offer condolences and vengeance, but now? Now, she’s motivated! As Nuncio raced off past her upon tiger-steed, Amaryllis raised her Silverlight, slicing a deep line in the concrete, before taking one step forward. Though her Sword was keen, her knee was strong as well; few could take a blow from her and shrug it off so easy, not when she could make people kneel with the force of her softer assets alone. The fencer that stood before her then, must be quite a durable one, and ones patrolling outside would join them soon. Or well, that could have happened. East of the warehouse, Amaryllis reached out with her magic, and bound her chains to space itself. The Earth continued its path around the Sun, rotating upon its axis, but the chains, linked in the air, stayed where they were and subsequently [i]smashed[/i] through the farther portion of the warehouse, tearing apart the roof and support beams with a shuddering screech of blessed and mundane metal. There was a cry of alarm from the incoming dark magical girls, before the entrance into the warehouse was buried under corrugated metal and bolted beams. A plume of dust and smoke rushed towards the two duelists, shrouding them both. The first blow was exchanged there, sparks flying as their swords clashed, sending a shockwave that dispersed the smokescreen. A frenetic, accelerating rhythm, punctuated by occasional strikes mere millimetres away from a fatality. Within the shadow of the ruined warehouse, hidden from the moon’s gaze, Amaryllis duelled with the Mint agent, each clash briefly lighting up the area. Both powerful, both skilled, almost evenly matched, and yet, neither of them pulled the trigger. The Mint agent simply needed to stall until the place self-destructed from bottom-up. The Knight of Rose simply needed to stall until Nuncio returned with Sammy in tow. Press too hard, and they would lose their method of swiftly disengaging. Hold too much back, and they were liable to be overwhelmed in that moment of carelessness. Parry the downward stroke. Slide in for a thrust. Sidestep, draw up for a wrist cut, then horizontally for the throat. Twist the hand away, tumble underneath the swing and thrust for the knee. Flip up, kick off the ceiling, and strike down. Knock the blade astray with the free hand, counter with another kick. Recover, leap back in. Receive, set up for next counter. Mind the breathing. Focus on everything. Maintain balance. From the staircase, Rosa bounded up, Nuncio and Sammy together. Amaryllis’s gaze shifted briefly, and her opponent seized that opportunity, alabaster saber ripping through the air to bisect the Knight. A phantom pain, her Sword’s ever-constant supervision. In one step, Amaryllis closed the distance, her enemy’s hilt blocked by her hip, the blade meeting nothing. Her own Sword buried itself into the flower-eyed fencer’s gut, and with a flick of a wrist, she disemboweled the Mint agent, the blood splattering out as the petals burst. For a moment, her eyes met her opponent’s. [color=778899]“One chance.”[/color] Spinning around, she kicked the fencer again, sending her flying back into the same crates she had been sent into before. An instant later, the wound was sealed, ivy stitches forming to prevent excessive blood loss, at least until further aid could be provided. Alongside Rosa, Nuncio, and Sammy, Amaryllis leapt back into the portal, her feet skidding upon…slush and puddles? During their brief sojourn within that warehouse, it had begun to rain. [color=778899]“Mariette, the portal, please.”[/color]