They worked well today. There was still a rabbit left over they could eat at night, and Hoi felt comforted by the sheer amount of materials they could gather. Bark, vines, twigs, branches, thicker branches, and the three rabbit horns they could use for a whole buncha purposes. Fire, for one, but better was water. And after they secured all their stuff, made sure [i]thieves[/i] couldn't make away with it, Hoi could finally relax. Could finally do a big sleep, have a good dream, wake up in the morning and do it all over again. His legs were strong, his back was tough, his stomach was full and his thirst was quenched. Emri was a good worker; they could do a lot together. They could do enough that they may be able to get others as well. And then they could all work. They could all eat. But just because he was done for the day didn't mean that Hoi was against overtime. As they got closer to the cave, their home, the duo stumbled upon yet another beast, this one larger, fiercer, but also wounded, swaying. Hoi saw it, recognized the danger of its tusks, the injuries that it sustained. Something else hunted it, and the blood-trail it left meant that something else may still be hunting it. But then he heard a sizzling. A sizzling of fat, the fragment of a memory. Bacon. What was that? It was delicious. His mouth filled with drool. He could always eat more. They could kill it, break off a limb or two, and run before the hunter claimed its kill. Or maybe the predator was dead too. That'd be even better. More food. More... Somewhere in the back of his mind, Hoi wondered if he never had enough meat to eat before. But when was before? A difficult expression formed over his face, but he shook those feelings away. The materials they gathered, he let fall onto the ground. Turning to Emri, he brandished one of his rabbit horns. They looked almost inadequate compared to the tusks of that fat pig, but they'd have to do. [b]"More meat good,"[/b] Hoi spoke. [b]"Big meat better. Charge straight at it together, but split off to the sides once close. I go this way, you go that way."[/b] He motioned with his horn, then clenched it more tightly. [b]"Stab sides. Keep stabbing. From low, go up. Finish the kill, break something tasty off, and we leave."[/b] Fire. They definitely need a fire now. He knew they needed fire, if they wanted that sizzling, that fattening, that reddening. He wanted it. [b]"Last hunt. Make it good hunt."[/b] [hider=Actions] [/hider][hider=Inventory] 2 Rabbit Horns A Lotta Woodland Materials [/hider]