Just since it seems pretty relevant right now, I figure this is probably a good time to specify how I imagine "quickstepping" (or "dashing", if you prefer; the locked-on Bloodborne dodge) working in the context of the RP. I wrote about it a little in the OP, but I figure more detail isn't a bad thing. Quickstepping requires the Hunter to draw upon their beast-blood, making it very taxing for them to use and likely to [B]fatigue[/B] them quickly if overused, though stronger Hunters can obviously handle more, just as superhuman strength or speed normally would. I imagine quickstepping to be a combination of two things, the first of which is an extremely fast horizontal lunge, hurdling oneself up to [B]five meters[/B] (about sixteen and a half feet) in a direction without touching the ground before the end of the "step". During the [B]half a second[/B] or so the quickstep lasts, Hunters will have massively boosted instincts and reflexes, allowing them to sense danger approaching and often weave past it by manipulating their body mid-step to evade danger. This isn't to say that it's exactly like iframes from the game, though: not everything can be quickstepped through. Something approaching the Hunter from just inches away, for instance, is probably going to hit before they can move out of the way. Similarly, while legs, arms and head can be manipulated in mid air, the torso - center of mass - is a lot harder to move, and might require action to be taken when initiating the quickstep rather than during it, like crouching down or jumping just as one does it (or, alternatively, just not quickstepping into an attack). Likewise, things that can't logically be dodged, like fire, explosions or generally just very large objects of hurt coming the Hunter's way, which would require the Hunter not to dodge, but to actually phase through danger, will still hit (and might hit even harder than otherwise, depending on the Hunter's trajectory). One final note: this obviously applies to everything capable of quickstepping, be they player Hunters, NPC Hunters or other beings capable of quickstepping, though the speed and distance moved might vary.