[@Ghost Note] I always appreciate finding artists that go relatively unnoticed on youtube. Electronica always feels like the most difficult genre to judge fairly. But I threw on my good headphones for this one, to try to make sure I got the intended experience. And I listened to it twice. Because I couldn't find the lyrics and I wanted to try to understand them better. There's something going on here that I like. The chorus feels a bit melancholic, and the backing vocals (The "Ahhhs") go well at filling the space of the track. Might be a decent piece of background music for multitasking. But it's funny that the band literally named the album "Content", since that's kind of what it feels like overall? Went in one ear and out the other, without an opinion either way. But it reminds me of '[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE87rQkXdNw]Marshmellow's, Happier[/url]' a bit? Precisely because I think the "drop" part is kind of a nothing? (In that I greatly prefer my bass/synth to kick me in the teeth musically.) Maybe even generically upbeat/chill sounding, which is in contrast to the lyrics which seem like they're trying a little harder? 5/10 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgTDJNL6PzA[/youtube] I'll be interested to hear what someone thinks of this one. (It's Hip-Hop/Bass House music. So, you've been warned.)