Soul frowned at Penalopy's words, he looked to Lytse quietly and wiggled his way towards the Cyndaquil quietly. [i]"We'd rather not think about that Pen."[/i] He said as he looked up to her with a serious look on his maw, [i]"If she chooses to become back to Mew when given the chance than so be it. If not, Arceus can create another Mew for her to continue to live like this. Please don't press the matter any further."[/i] His hackles spiked slightly, he wasn't trying to sound confrontational or dismissive, he just didn't want Lytse to feel sad or think about the idea of Michael dying. Varina looked to Andy as he spoke. She moved her eyes to the ground as she thought. Frosiien nodded at Andy's words, "I will be sure to get Arceus' attention at Starfall." She stated, Gavin almost rolled his eyes. "If he shows up this time." He said with a frown, Frosiien shot him a look. "He will be there this time, We've made sure through contact with his Guardian." She said, Gavin giving a small nod. "If the Bouffant can get that man to wake up and sit at that table I will be [i]A-stonished.[/i]." He said sarcastically before he turned his attention to Varina, who nudged at his leg. He moved to lift her up to his shoulder before she poked her head into his ear, his eyes suddenly turning a purply-green. [i]"I have only heard passing comments."[/i] Varina's voice came from Gavin, clear enough for Andy to understand and hear, [i]"He never let me into secret plans, but I do remember seeing him with a figure of a prism, and he talked about 'beast balls' a couple of times. Maybe they're summons?"[/i] She pulled herself out of Gavins' ear and hopped back down. Gavins' face was pale and he looked like he was going to be sick. Niccia's eyes widened before she happily bowed her head to the woman. "Thank you so much!" She said before she ran over to where she pointed, looking at the dresses as she pulled out one of the pink ones. She moved her tail against the pink to see if it was close to her shade or not. Before she pulled ti to her body to have a better look, she ummed and ahhed over it for a second before she moved to look at the other dresses, holding the yellow and pink one in her hand.