[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qvm9ihS.png[/img][/center] Oh, that worked! Once her spear finally did more than just bounce away from the large crystal, Cecilia stopped, patiently waiting for Annabelle to finish her sweep of the smaller crystals in the room. It didn't feel as if anything changed, beyond the weakening of the imprisoning crystal, so that had to be a good thing, right? Briefly, Cecilia turned towards the opening in the wall again, narrowing her eyes. Pillars of smoke and dust still rose, but as far as new battles looked, it didn't seem likely. The imperials then? Made sense; adventurers were liable to just fight each other afterwards. [color=FFE4E1] "Thanks for the assist, Annabelle. Gonna pick up the pace now, cause I don't really think we have too much time. Just, like, y'know take cover and all, yeah?"[/color] As her tower companions prepared, Cecilia did as well, muttering a few arcane words to bolster her physical and magical defenses before she grasped her spear again. Measuring the distances carefully to ensure that her spear, if the crystal suddenly gave away, wouldn't end up skewering the women within, the spellblade took a breath, before unleashing a flurry of light blows, intent on chipping away the crystal with multiple strikes, rather than cleave it apart in a singular one.