She's so startled she forgets to check around her and see if this is an ambush. Alina squeaks, because that's the sound she can make right now. And then she flushes a darling shade of pink, because that's the thing that she can do right now. Her eyes are wide and her face is tense with pure bewilderment and she's [i]looking down at Shazari's head[/i] and this has never happened before. She has no language for this. There aren't any cards in her hand for her to play anymore. And speaking of her hand, she just barely manages to notice that one of hers is sneaking forward on its own to touch Shazari's shoulder. Maybe to pat it? She freezes a mere second before disaster strikes, but now her hand's just sort of awkwardly hovering there, which is at least as bad. "Please, there's no need for... under your circumstances, I would have thought the same of... you have nothing to..." Nowhere in Illumina do they teach their princesses to mumble like this. But if they did, no one would be better at it than Alina Cascade is right now. Second after awkward second ticks by and all she's done is make an idiot of herself. But then, as if by magic, she finds her breathing again. And after that, her heart. And then, finally, her words. Her hand drops down that final impossible inch, and she brushes the shoulder of her oldest and fiercest rival. "For what it's worth, I forgive you. Ninian has tricked a lot of people, and her father even more than her. You were doing your part as the Princess of Jedad, for your land, for your mother, for your people, for your... um, snake, and for your sister. I couldn't ask more from Ourania herself. So just, please, stand up Shazari. This is embarrassing." There are some who say that Alina's heart grew three sizes that day. All of them live in the Bazaar. That's just the way of things. People talk. Rivalries continue. But for one very tiny moment, perhaps, two princesses understood each other, even though their lives had taught them not to come together like this. Perhaps not to even try. There's a quiet magic in this instant that almost matches the raw power of the Caduceus. Plus, if she's magnanimous enough for long enough right now, she might be able to skip town again without having to talk about any crown jewels that may or may not be where they're supposed to be right now. One more slip out from this snare, and she's free forever. Or at least until she has to write the letter inviting Shazari to Illumina to discuss reopening trade for the first time in ages. Maybe even... no, she's getting ahead of herself. Free forever. Free forever! She'll be a legend!